CS 99

Summer 2002: HW 1                                                                  


1.    A Friendly Martian

There is no ‘correct’ answer to this question.  


2.    Towers Of Hanoi

Move A to C
Move A to B
Move C to B
Move A to C
Move B to A
Move B to C
Move A to C
Move A to B
Move C to B
Move C to A
Move B to A
Move C to B
Move A to C
Move A to B
Move C to B

Note that the minimum number of moves is 15 = 24 – 1 moves.  In general, for N rings, the minimum number of moves is 2n – 1.  According to the original legend, there were 64 golden rings. One ring was moved each day.  The monks believed the world would end when they finished the puzzle. Were they crazy to believe that?



3.     Hyperbolic Cosine
%Name: John Q. Public
%CUID:    555555
%Date: 01 July 2002

x = input('Enter a value for x: ');
c = (exp(x) + exp(-x))/2;
disp(['The value of cosh( ' num2str(x) ' ) is ' num2str(c)]);

%Sample Output
%Enter a value for x: 3.0
%The value of cosh( 3 ) is 10.0677

%MATLAB's built-in function cosh returns for input argument 3.0,
%  10.06766199577777