CS99 Fall 2002 Lab #4 (9/24/02) Objectives + write a script M-File + brief review using MATLAB statements - I/O - assignments + practice using MATLAB logic logical operator & | ~ comparison operator == ~= < > <= >= + practice using MATLAB selection statements IF expression statements ELSEIF expression statements ELSE statements END Lab exercise: (0) Read the objectives and write a script called $lab4.m$ in which you will do the tasks, as described below. Be sure to comment on each task. (1) Comment the top according to the usual format. (2) Prompt the user to enter a number. Test and report if the number is positive, negative, or zero. (3) Prompt the user to enter a number. Prompt the user to enter a second number. Prompt the user to enter a third number. Report the average of the three numbers. Find the maximum of the three numbers. Store the maximum value in variable called $max$. Store the minimum value in variable called $min$. (4) Prompt the user to enter a number. Report if the number is odd or even. Report if the number is between 3 and 7, inclusive. Output "Yes" if the number is either 5 or 10. Otherwise, output "No". (5) Prompt the user to enter a number. Prompt the user to enter another number. Report if the first number is divisible by the second number.