A relative-error CUR decomposition for matrices and its data applications

Michael W. Mahoney

Yahoo Research




Much recent work in the Theoretical Computer Science, Linear Algebra, and Machine Learning has considered matrix decompositions of the following form: given an m-by-n matrix A, decompose it as a product of three matrices, C, U, and R, where C consists of a few (typically a constant number of) columns of A, R consists of a few (typically a constant number of) rows of A, and U is a small carefully constructed matrix that guarantees that the product CUR is "close" to A. Applications of such decompositions include the computation of compressed "sketches" for large matrices in a pass-efficient manner, matrix reconstruction, speeding up kernel-based statistical learning computations, sparsity-preservation in low-rank approximations, and improved interpretability of data analysis methods. In this talk we shall discuss various choices for the matrices C, U, and R that are appropriate in different application domains. The main result will be an algorithm that computes matrices C, U, and R such that the (Frobenius) norm of the error matrix A - CUR is almost minimal. Although this talk will build on ideas from the tutorial given earlier in the day, this talk will be entirely self-contained.



