Problem of the Day

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Aug 26  Here is a talk and a paper that discusses the polygon averaging problem. The matrix M_{n} plays a critical role, e.g.,

                                             M_{4} = .5*[1 1 0 0; 0 1 1 0; 0 0 1 1; 1 0 0 1]

What would the "M" matrix look like if we took an arbitrary convex combination of vertices instead of their average, i.e.,

                                                xNew(k) = mu* x(k) + (1-mu)*x(k+1)               0 < mu < 1

instead of xNew(k) = (x(k)+x(k+1))/2. Feel free to play around with PolyAve.m to see what the impact would be with this generalization. (Visit the computation of  xNew and yNew  in the subfunction Smooth.)


Aug 28   This will get you thinking about rows, columns, and blocks and how to "grab 'em" in Matlab. Write a Matlab function Sudoku(A) that returns "1" if A is a valid Sudoku solution and zero otherwise. Thus, A must be a 9x9 matrix with the property that every column, row, and 3x3 block is made up of the integers 1 through 9.. Hints on checking. If sort(A(5,:)) is the same as 1:9, then row 5 is "OK".  If B= A(4:6,7:9) and sort(B(:)) is the same as (1:9)', then the  (2,3)  block is OK. Some built-in functions that you may find useful: sort, sum, any, all


Aug 31   This problem is about "spotting" matrix-vector operations given some awful-looking multiple summation with subscripts all over the place. As a warm-up, take a look at problem 1.1.6 in GVL4. Now here is the problem. Assume that A is nxn and that  u, x, y, z, and d are column n-vectors of reals. Assume that v is a permutation of 1:n. Rewrite the following O(n^4)  algorithm so that it is O(n^2):

alfa = 0
for i = 1:n
     for j = 1:n
          for p = 1:n
               for q = 1:n
                   alfa = alfa + A(i,p)*A(v(j),q)*u(i)*y(j)*x(q)*z(p)*d(i)

A handy test script SpotMatVec is available.


Sep 2   Without using Matlab, what is the SVD of the 2x2 matrix  A =  [ 3   4 ; 8   -6] ?


Sep 4  The Haar matrix W_n is defined in terms of W_m where n = 2m and W_{1} = [1]:

       W_n = [ kron(W_m , [1;1])  kron(I_{m},[1;-1]) ]

Can you develop a closed form expression for the number of nonzeros in W_n ?


Sep 9 Get solid with the floating representation. Understand fpFacts.m. Give a recipe for the largest positive integer k such that 10^k can be represented EXACTLY in IEEE double precision. Hint: How many bits are in the binary expansion of 5^k. Give a recipe for the largest positive integer k such that k! can be represented EXACTLY in IEEE double precision. Hint: 6! = 1*2*3*4*5*6 = 45*(2^4)


Sep 11    Assume L1 and L2  are nxn, lower triangular, and nonsingular. Assume that B is nxn. How would you compute an nxn matrix X so that L1*X*L2' = B using the \ operator? Hint. How would you do it if L2 = I? (How would you do it if L1 = 0?) Now assume the availability of a function x = LTriSol(L,b) that returns the solution to the lower triangular system Lx = b where b is a column vector. How would you compute X using LTriSol?


Sep 14  A and B are nxn matrices and A is nonsingular. Assume that b and c are column n-vectors. How would you use the Matlab lu function and \ operator to solve the 2n-by-2n linear system [A  B ; zeros(n,n) A' ] [y ; z] = [b ; c]?


Sep 16 (a) Assume nxn matrices A1 and A2 are differ only in their last columns. Assume that lu(A1) produces P1*A1 = L1*U1 and that lu(A2) produces P2*A2 = L2*U2. Describe the differences between P1 and P2, L1 and L2, and U1 and U2. (b) Assume  that A is a singular nxn matrix and that PA = LU. Assuming exact arithmetic, how could a unit 2-norm vector z be found so that Az = 0.


Sep 18   Modify the function BlockLU so that it reports back the fraction of flops that are level-3 flops. Modify it again so that it is nonrecursive.


Sep 21  Assume that we have computed the Cholesky factorization A = GG' of a symmetric positive definite nxn matrix A.  Let k be an integer that satisfies 1<=k<n. Recall that A(k,k) is positive and that A(1:k,1:k) is also sym pos def. What is the smallest smallest positive tau for which A - tau*ek*ek' is not positive definite? Here, ek = I(:,k). In plain English, we want to subtract "just enough" stuff from the (k,k) entry so that A loses definiteness.


Sep 23 A is symmetric positive definite and tridiagonal. If A = LDL' and D = diag(d), how would you compute a vector x so that x'*A*x = d(k)?


Sep 25  Suppose Tn = Gn*Gn' is the Cholesky factorization of Tn, the -1,2,-1 tridiagonal matrix. Gn is lower bidiagonal. What can you say about the entries Gn(n,n) and Gn(n,n-1) as n-->infty?


Sep 28  Under what conditions does the Gauss-Seidel iteration converge when A = [a b; c d]? Repeat for the Jacobi iteration.


Sep 30  


Oct 2  Suppose A = [ d1 e; e d2] is positive definite. What is the condition of this matrix? Now let Atilde = inv(D)Ainv(D) where D = diag(sqrt(d1),sqrt(d2)). What is the condition of Atilde? This is an issue because the latter condition nember determines how quickly PCG converges with D as a preconditioner.


Oct 5 (a) For the 3-by-2 case, verify that the method of normal equations is equivalent to zeroing the gradient of

                                                 f(x) = (A*x - b)'*(A*x - b)

(b) Given matrices A1 (m1xn), A2 (m2xn) and A3 (m3xn) and vectors b1 (m1x1), b2 (m2x1) and b3 (m3x1), how would you compute a vector x that minimizes || A1*x - b1 ||^2  + || A2*x - b2 ||^2  + ||A3*x - b3 ||^2? (c) Given [Q,R] = qr(A,0), how would you compute the minimum value of || Ax -b|| ?


Oct 7   Given A (mxn) and b (mx1), how would you compute the closest vector to b that is orthogonal to every column of A? (b) Given that Q = [c s;s -c] is orthogonal, how would you compute a unit vector u (2x1) so that Q = I-2u*u'?


Oct 9  Suppose f and g are column n-vectors. Show how to compute an orthogonal Q as a product of Givens rotations so that Q' * (f * g') * Q  is zero everywhere except in the (1,1) and (1,2) entry. Hint. Put a lot of zeros into f and then put a lot of zeros in g.


Oct 14 (a) What can you say about Q, R, and P if [Q,R,P] = qr(A) and A has more columns than rows. (b) Assuming that A has full row rank, how could you use Q, R, and P to compute a solution to  Ax = b?


Oct 16  Suppose A is mxn with full column rank and that b is mx1. How would you minimize || Ax - b|| subject to the constraint that x(1) +...+ x(n) = 0?


Oct 19 Suppose A and B are are 2x2 and that det(A)det(B) < 0. How would you compute Q = [c s;-s c] so that norm(A - BQ,'fro') is minimum?


Oct 21 This is about the case when the TLS problem has no solution. Show that if the smallest singular value of [A b] is unique and equals the smallest singular value of A, then the TLS problem has no solution. Use this result to show that if A'*b = 0 and norm(b) > sigma_min(A), then the TLS problem has no solution.


Mar 13  Let A = [lambda_1  m ; 0 lambda_2] and assume that the eigenvalues lambda_1 and lambda_2 are distinct. Determine X so inv(A)*A*X = diag(lambda_1,lambda_2). Recall that if Ax = lambda* x and y'*A = lambda*y' then the condition of lambda is  1/abs(x'*y) assuming that x and y have unit 2-norm. What is the condition of lambda_1 and lambda_2 in the above 2-by-2 example? More generally, how would you compute the condition number of all the eigenvalues using [X,D] = eig(A) assuming that the eigenvalues of A are distinct?


Mar 9  If A-sI = QR, why is B = RQ +sI  similar to A?

Mar 6  Write a fragment to handle the update A = H'*A*H where H = I - 2*u*u' with u(1:r) = 0. Assume A is symmetric.

Mar 4 

Mar  2  Show that after a Jacobi update that zeros A(p,q), then off(Anew)^2 = off(A)^2 - 2A(p,q)^2. Here, off(A)^2 is the sum of the squares of the off-diagonal entries.


Oct 23  Suppose Q'*A*Q = diag(d1,d2) is the schur decomposition of a symmetric 2x2 matrix A. Why is it always possible to choose Q so that det(Q) = -1?


Oct 26 Suppose Ax = lambda*x is the dominant eigenpair for a symmetric A. What happens if we apply the power method with the matrix A - lambda*x*x' ?


Oct 28  If you have a function [c,s] = Schur2(A) that computes a rotation that diagonalizes a symmetric 2-by-2 A, show how it can be used to compute a 2-by-2 svd. Hint: How would you determine c and s so that [c s;-s c]'*[w x ; y z] is symmetric.?


Oct 30  Suppose A is nxn and symmetric. How would you compute an nxk matrix Q with orthonormal columns so that trace(Q'*A*Q) is maximized.?


Nov 2 Suppose Ax = mu*x + r where x has unit 2-norm. Use the Wielandt-Hoffman theorem to prove that mu is within norm(r,2) of an exact eigenvalue.


Nov 4   In the Householder tridiagonalization Q'*A*Q = T, the first column of Q is the first column of I. Explain. Now suppose v is a unit vector.How would you compute an orthogonal U so that (a) Uv = + or - I(:,1) and (b) U'*A*U is tridiagonal.


Nov 6  Suppose A = I + UDU' where U is n-by-k and D is kxk. If q is a unit vector, what can you say about the rank of [q, Aq, A^2*,..,A^(n-1)q]?


Nov 9  Let A = [lambda_1  m ; 0 lambda_2] and assume that the eigenvalues lambda_1 and lambda_2 are distinct. Determine X so inv(A)*A*X = diag(lambda_1,lambda_2). Recall that if Ax = lambda* x and y'*A = lambda*y' then the condition of lambda is  1/abs(x'*y) assuming that x and y have unit 2-norm. What is the condition of lambda_1 and lambda_2 in the above 2-by-2 example? More generally, how would you compute the condition number of all the eigenvalues using [X,D] = eig(A) assuming that the eigenvalues of A are distinct?


Nov 11   A is a real matrix and mu is a complex eigenvalue. Suppose Az = mu*z. Show that the real and imaginary parts of the (complex) eigenvector z define a real, 2-dimensional invariant subspace. Suppose the dominant eigenvalue lambda_1 of a real matrix is complex. Note that the conjugate of lambda_1 is also an eigenvalue so the dominant eigenvalue is not unique. What happens if we apply the power method with a real starting vector? Assume that all the other eigenvalues are smaller in maginitude.


Nov 13   Suppose x and y are unit 2-norm n-vectors. How would you choose mu so that ||A*x-m*x||^2 + ||A'*y - mu*y||^2  is minimized?


Nov 16


Nov 18  


Nov 20  


Nov 23 


Nov 30


Dec 2 


Dec 4  
