CS5432 Advanced System Security - Overview and Organization - Spring 2021

This course discusses cybersecurity technology and ideas that are not in use today but are likely to change the practical cybersecurity landscape over the next decade: mechanisms and abstractions, as well as formalisms for specifying and reasoning about trust and about security policies. An outline of topics to be covered is available here.

Course URL:   http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Courses/cs5432/2021sp/

Prerequisites: CS5430

Grading options. Letter grade only. S/U enrollment is not allowed---it creates problematic dynamics for group projects.

Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 2:40pm - 330pm on zoom (meeting id 926 7903 9658, passcode 106251).
Students are expected to attend all lectures, live. Recordings of these class meetings will be made available on Canvas for students to review material, but listening to those recordings is not a substitute for attending the live lectures. Only students who are registered in CS5432 have access to the recordings.

Course Staff
Instructor: Professor Fred B. Schneider   (255-9221)   422 Gates Hall.

Office hours: See Office Hours schedule below for drop-in office hours.
Prof. Schneider is available for meetings at other times on zoom, too. To schedule an appointment, send email to fbs@cs.cornell.edu. Please include in that email: (i) 3 or 4 suggested times when you would be available to meet 3pm - 11pm, over two or more days, including weekends, and (ii) a zoom link for that meeting. Schneider will respond promptly by email with a meeting confirmation that selects one of your suggested slots.

Teaching Assistant:

Office Hours:
Monday (FBS) 3:30 - 5:00 zoom (meeting id 916 2928 4462, passcode 671476)
Tuesday (NN) 3:00 - 5:00 zoom (meeting id 939 6764 3037, passcode 164084)
Wednesday (FBS) 3:30 - 5:00 zoom (meeting id 916 2928 4462, passcode 671476)
Thursday (NN) 3:00 - 5:00 zoom (meeting id 939 6764 3037, passcode 164084)

Assignments and Grading. This course involves occasional written homework and a full-semester project. The homework offers a chance to reinforce your understanding of material from lecture and/or the readings. The project has small student groups building a system that incorporates non-trivial security functionality, thereby providing an opportunity to integrate material from CS5430. Project details are discussed here.

Final course grades are based on the following.

Final grades in this class are not determined by a formula, although a student's final grade is affected by that student's average, variance, as well as the min/max grades on written homeworks and the progrramming project. The final grade is intended to reflect the extent to which that student has consistently demonstrated mastery of the course material and engagement with the class.

All homework and programming assignments should be submitted using CMS. Deliverables are due on the date stipulated, so that correct answers can be distributed and/or freely discussed in lecture after the due date. Late submissions will receive a grade deduction of 20%.

Extraordinary Circumstances. Please email Professor Schneider for accommodation if are unable to complete work due to illness or other extraordinary circumstances.

Academic Integrity. Violations will be prosecuted aggressively. Do not discuss or collaborate with other students in the class on the assignments unless the problem statement explicitly says otherwise. The source and the sink in an illicit collaboration both will receive a penalty.

Students are expected to be familiar with the University's and the CS Department's various policies on appropriate use of computers.

Inclusiveness. You should expect and demand to be treated by your classmates and the course staff with respect. You belong here, and we are here to help you learn and enjoy this course. If any incident occurs that challenges this commitment to a supportive and inclusive environment, please let the instructors know so that the issue can be addressed. We are personally committed to this, and subscribe to the Computer Science Department's Values of Inclusion.