CS5414 (Fall 2012) Homework 3
More on Causality and Clock Implementations

Due: 11pm, 9/25/2012
Relative weight: 12 units

General Instructions. You are expected to work alone on this assignment.

Submit your solution using CMS. No late assignments will be accepted.

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Problem 1

We are given a middleware system MS that implements vector clocks. The middleware implementation has some predefined notion of what are events, which include all sends, receives, and local events.. Assuming no more than N distinct hosts are running, the middleware call
made by processor Pi returns in the elements of an array
    V[1:N] : integer
a vector clock value < v1 , v2 , v3 , ..., vN > corresponding to the "time" the last event at processor Pi occurred according to the vector clock being implemented by MS.

Given is a software package SP that requires logical clock values and, therefore, SP cannot directly be run above MS (which "only" provides vector clock values). In particular, SP requires the existence of a routine

which returns an integer corresponding to the "time" the last event at that processor occurred according to a logical clock. The events that affect GET_LogC are the same as the events that affect MS,

  1. Give an implementation of GET_LogC that does not involve sending additional messages, modifying messages being sent, or recording local information. Your implementation, however, may invoke GET_VecC.

  2. Argue that your implementation of logical clocks satisfies the requirement of a logical clock:
      E --> F implies LC(E) < LC(F)

Problem 2

Recall that a vector clock VC maps each event E to a timestamp VC(E) and satisfies the following strong clock condition:
    E --> F if and only if VC(E) < VC(F)
Vector clocks are not the only method for implementing a mechanism that satisfies the strong clock condition, though.

A prime clock PC is constructed as follows. Assume that every processor i is assigned and knows a unique prime number Ni. Assume also that each processor has a way to store integers that can grow arbitrarily large.

    1. Each processor i maintains a counter PCi, which is initially set to Ni.

    2. Whenever a local event E occurs at processor i, the following is executed:
        PCi := PCi * Ni
      The timestamp PC(E) of E is the value of PCi after the update.

    3. Whenever a send event E for a message m occurs at processor i, the following is executed:
        PCi := PCi * Ni;
        timestamp TS(m) = PCi is included as part of m
      The timestamp PC(E) of E is the value of PCi after the update.

    4. Whenever a receive event for a message m occurs at processor i, the following is executed
        PCi := LCM ( PCi , TS(m)) * Ni
      where LCM(x,y) is the "least common multiple" of integers x and y. (Here is a formal definition for "least common multiple".) The timestamp PC(E) of E is the value of PCi after the update.

Here is a useful fact: The "Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic" asserts that every positive integer greater than 1 has a unique factorization in terms of prime numbers. That is, for every number Val, there exist exponents e0, e1, e2, ... such that

    Val = (N0**e0) * (N1**e1) * (N2**e2) *...
where N0, N1, ... Ni is the list of prime numbers.

  1. Give an implementation for a relation "<" on values from prime clocks such that values obtained from prime clocks satisfy the strong clock condition. That is, give a procedure for computing whether PC(E) < PC(F) holds, such that
      E --> F if and only if PC(E) < PC(F)
    is valid.

  2. Prove that prime clocks satisfy the following condition:
      PC(E) < PC(F) implies E --> F .
    where "<" is as defined above in part i.

Problem 3

A cloud-based file system service CBFS is said to support disconnected operation if it has provisions that allow a client to:
  1. using the Internet, connect to CBFS using some computing device D (say),
  2. check-out and download a file (say) F to device D,
  3. disconnect from the Internet (including from CBFS),
  4. read and edit F on device D,
  5. later reconnect device D to CBFS,
  6. attempt to check-in the modified file F.
The "check-out" in step (2) never blocks, so it is possible that multiple users concurrently perform a check-out on the same given file F. And any device that has a copy of F is permitted to perform edit operations on F.

The check-in operation either returns a

    "file F stored"
message or a
    "file F not stored, reconciliation required with users ui, uj, uk, ..."
message. This latter message is produced only if the copy of file F stored in the cloud has changed (due to an earlier check-in); ui, uj, uk, is the list of users to contact because they made edits and did a check-in to cause the copy of F currently stored in the cloud to differ from the (edited) version of F associated with this new check-in.

Assume a fixed set of users, where each user owns and runs a fixed set of devices that can connect to CBFS to download, edit, and later check-in an edited file. Users do not share devices. The real-time clocks on these various mobile devices are not synchronized, and it is unreasonable to imagine that they could be. Describe a scheme that CBFS and clients can use to implement check-out and check-in.