Department of Computer Science 

CS 5413: High Performance Systems and Networking (Fall 2014)

Mon/Wed/Fri 1:25-2:15; 205 Thurston Hall

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  Optimizaion of VM migration in SuperCloud

Remya Balasubramanian(rb628)
Sarah Alabdullatif(saa245)
Yashaswini Shekarappa (ys429)

Supercloud is a cloud of clouds. It is a cloud service distribution layer that is decoupled from the provider. Supercloud leverages a nested paravirtualizatoin layer called the Xen-Blanket. Xen-Balnket provides multicloud homogeneity. The Xen-Blanket layer exposes a single VM interface to blanket guests such that a single guest image can run on any cloud without modifications. This enables migration of VMs across cloud providers. Live migration has become an integral part of any cloud infrastructure design. In this project, we aim at profiling and analyzing the live VM migration to identify and improve on the downtime especially in the stop and copy phase.

Paper [ PDF ]
  Presentation [ PPTX | PPT | PDF ]
Source Code [ TGZ ]