Department of Computer Science 

CS 5413: High Performance Systems and Networking (Fall 2014)

Mon/Wed/Fri 1:25-2:15; 205 Thurston Hall

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Gary Zibrat

Cloud storage is becoming increasingly popular and cheap. It is convenient for companies to simply store their data online so that they don’t have to buy a large amount of storage, set it up, and pay people to maintain it. Companies such as Netflix store as much as 3 petabytes of information in the cloud (typical home computers can store up to 1-2 terabytes of information and 1 petabyte is 1024 terabytes). When storing such a volume of data the client is susceptible to being locked in with a provider due to the high costs of transferring data out of the cloud and relatively low cost of actually storing the data. This report discusses the feasibility of storing files evenly over multiple providers in a system called Redundant Array of Cloud Storage (RACS). First I will discuss RACS’ evolution and then I will explain the current version of RACS and finally compare the performance of two versions of RACS.

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