CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2013

Project Suggestion:
World War One Archive


World War One


Evan Fay Earle '02
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library
Email: <efe4@cornell.edu>


With the coming anniversary of World War One the Division or Rare and Manuscript Collections in collaboration with Cornell’s ROTC is interested in creating a digital war memorial to honor Cornell’s war fallen. Members of Scabbard and Blade, Cornell’s ROTC honor society have attempted to get this project off the ground, but what is needed is development of the site. The designed site would have a web interface to allow on the fly editing and record creation by multiple users. So basically the site is built and then the content can be added later. Members of ROTC or student researchers would be adding the content later using items in the University archives.

The site could be modeled after the nicely done Columbia War Memorial site.
http://www.warmemorial.columbia.edu/. Their site enables you to find a war or an alum and learn a bit about them:

The Columbia site is Drupal based, but that would not be a requirement for Cornell, but similar functionality would be nice. This site, does not need to be very complex, but would need to support multiple user accounts and ease of content generation, likely by average students or library workers, hence the suggested web interface for generation. That said an ability for batch uploading of content could be considered as well. This site, if successful, would be considered a permanent show piece for the University and at least the publicly viewed design would have to show an attention to detail, quality and respect beyond what might be typical.

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