CS 501
Software Engineering
Spring 2008

Project Suggestion:

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Blazej Kot, Predict Systems
blazej "at" predictsystems.com


The project would be to create a web-based version of the Additune client. Additune is a free service that provides users with personalized music recommendations based on their existing music playlists. The recommendations themselves are computed by a central server, to which various clients connect. The only existing client we have runs on Mac OS X only, and is available for download free at www.additune.com. The project is to develop a web-based client to make the service accessible to non-Mac users. The web-based client's basic minimal functionality would be to:

  • provide an attractive and interactive user interface via a modern website (e.g., using Flash/Flex or AJAX)
  • load a user's song and playlist data from either iTunes (via the iTunes-provided XML library file)
    or from other locations provided by the user (eg .m3u or .pls files)
  • digest and upload the playlist data via SOAP to our recommendation server
  • fetch recommendations, along with album art, from our server via SOAP, and display them in an attractive fashion
  • provide some mechanism for users to be able to go to the iTunes store, amazon.com or other online store to purchase a recommended song easily
  • possibly somehow allow users to preview short clips of the recommended songs

If you are interested in this project, download and play around with the existing Additune client, and think about how to provide similar functionality via a web-based interface.


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William Y. Arms
Last changed: January 21, 2008