CS 501
Software Engineering
Spring 2006

Project Suggestion: Water Distribution in Honduran Villages

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Monroe Weber-Shirk, Civil and Environmental Engineering, mw24@cornell.edu,
K-Y Daisy Fan, Computer Science, dfan@cs.cornell.edu.

Water Distribution in Honduran Villages

Provisional information

Professor Fan has provided the following provisional information about this project:

Monroe Weber-Shirk, a colleague in Civil and Environmental Engineering, had some CS M.Eng. students work on developing a software for designing water distribution pipe networks in past semesters. This is a project for ESW (Engineers for a Sustainable World) and the software will be for use in Honduran villages where survey data are taken using handheld GPS units.

We have some modules of the software already but are looking to have the whole thing improved (or even revamped in a major way). The feasibility study would involve, besides talking to the client, looking at the current software to evaluate what's good and what should go. The client will be represented locally by Monroe in CEE, who has been working with the Honduran partners.

Please contact the clients for more information.

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William Y. Arms
Last changed: January 25, 2006