Problem Set 11

Due Date: Thurs, May 1, 2003


  1. Show that all functions that are representable in the theory $\cal Q$ are computable.

  2. Let $B_1(x)$ and $B_2(x)$ be formulas in the language of $\cal Q$ with $x$ as sole free variable. Show how to construct formulas $G_1$ and $G_2$ such that

    $\models_Q$ $G_1$ \(\,\Leftrightarrow\,\) $B_1(\lceil G_2 \rceil)$ and $\models_Q$ $G_2$ \(\,\Leftrightarrow\,\) $B_2(\lceil G_1 \rceil)$.

  3. Let $Prov$ be a provability predicate for a theory $\cal Q$ and $X$ and $Y$ be formulas in the language of $\cal Q$. Assume $\models_Q$ $Prov$($\lceil$$X$$\rceil$)\(\supset\)$Y$ and $\models_Q$ $Prov$($\lceil$$Y$$\rceil$)\(\supset\)$X$

    Show that both $X$ and $Y$ are theorems in $\cal Q$.

  4. A pair of natural numbers $a$ and $a$ is called a stamps pair if for all $n\;{\mbox{\({{{{\geq}}}}\)}}\;a+b$ there are natural numbers $i$ and $j$ such that $n = i*3\,+\,j*5$.

    1. Prove in \(\lambda\)-PRL that 3 and 5 is a stamps pair.

    2. Using \(\lambda\)-PRL notation, describe the algorithm implicitly contained in your proof.

    3. Extra credit. What other pairs of natural numbers are stamps pairs?

  5. Prove in \(\lambda\)-PRL that every non-empty list of integers has a maximal element.

    \({\forall}\)l:list. (\(\sim\)(l=[]) \(\supset\) \({\exists}\)i:\(\mathbb{Z}\).(i \(\,\scriptstyle\in\,\)l \(\,\scriptstyle\wedge\,\) \({\forall}\)j:\(\mathbb{Z}\).(j \(\,\scriptstyle\in\,\)l \(\supset\) j\({{{{\leq}}}}\)i)))

    Give a \(\lambda\)-PRL definition of the predicate $i$ \(\,\scriptstyle\in\,\)$l$, prove the above statement in \(\lambda\)-PRL's refinement logic, and describe the extracted algorithm in \(\lambda\)-PRL notation.

Juanita Heyerman 2003-04-24