accuracy=30.77 evals_per_second=520.0 submissiondate=9/11/2015 submissiontime=11:04 Test 3 failed: Output of a l2distance(x) is not square. `Z' undefined near line 3 column 12 Test 4 failed: Output matrix of l2distance(x) is not symmetric. `Z' undefined near line 3 column 12 Test 5 failed: Distance from a vector to itself is not zero. `Z' undefined near line 3 column 12 Test 6 failed: l2distance output dimensions do not match input. operator +: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 100x100, op2 is 20x20) Test 7 failed: All distances must be >= 0. operator +: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 100x100, op2 is 25x25) Test 9 failed: Distances between unit vectors are not correct. operator -: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 4x4, op2 is 1x4) Test 10 failed: Distances inaccurate. `Z' undefined near line 3 column 12 Test 12 failed: Distances must be all real numbers (not imaginary).\nMake sure all values are non-zero before you take the squrae root.\n`Z' undefined near line 3 column 12 Your l2distance computation is too slow. `Z' undefined near line 3 column 12