CS 4670 - Project 1 - Image Scissors

Making-of Page - Tim Remetta - trr35

Using the image scissors from this project, I took subjects from several images and added them around a game table:

Original Image Composite Image

For the images I chose, my solution encountered memory errors, so I had to use the sample solution to create my image masks. To create the masks, I only used the base functionality of the program. Selecting a seed point along a desired edge, I proceeded to move the free point until the live wire deviated from the proper edge. The program did not hug the desired edge well on sharp bends, prefering to cut across. It also did not do well along hair, as the many individual hairs presumably produced unwanted low-cost paths. Pieces of the following four images were used along with the base table image:

Original Image Image Mask

Using GIMP, I used the masks to extract the components from the original image and layered them onto the game table. Using the GIMP scale and rotate tools, I positioned the components into the desired positions to create the final product.


—Tim Remetta