
Original Images:



The artifact was created basically by using the scissor tool to extract the hat out of the classic "Scumbag Steve" image, and then using GIMP to paste it into the provided image of Professor Snavely. A slight blur was applied to make the transition from Professor Snavely's forehead to the hat less visually jarring, and the brightness and contrast of the background image were slightly adjusted to better match the hat. However care was taken to ensure the hat was not too seemlessly integrated, as that would not be in keeping with the artistic traditions established by the internet for this particular medium.

The text was added using GIMP, however the appropriate Impact font for the image was not included in my Arch Linux installation nor was an equivalent font available through the package manager. After acquiring the impact.ttf file from a friend it was copy pasted into my /usr/share/fonts/truetype directory and then fully initialized using a few commands found on the internet, restarting X then allowed the font to be inserted into the image.

Finally in keeping with tradition the image was saved as a heavily compressed JPG to introduce some grianiness and compression artifacts before submission.