By: Alex Kopp (ark236)

Original Images

For my artifact, I decided to use one of the example images of Professor Snavely. I then thought "hmm.. what would be a good image to put our professor in?" Here's what I came up with (source)

Mask and Contour

Although there was a sample mask and contour provided to us, I went ahead and recreated them (so people wouldn't think I was slacking!)

Extracting the Professor's Head!!

(no humans were harmed)

I used GIMP with the original image and the mask to extract his head

Removing Superman's Head

I used the advanced tool known as the eraser to remove Superman's head neck. Don't worry, professor, you will soon have a body.

Positioning and Finishing

The professor's head needed to be scaled a little to fit the body of superman. I finished with a little blurring to make Professor Snavely's neck blend in better with Superman's body.

Final Result