CS4620 Modeler: A brief user's manual

This section briefly outlines the use of the framework, from the user's perspective.


Tree View pane

The tree view shows the structure of the scene that is displayed in the viewports. It is here to help you understand that structure and to make it possible to select intermediate transformation nodes (which can't be selected by clicking on objects in the viewports). You can rename nodes just by editing the text in the tree pane. The tree pane has a contextual menu (right button menu) that duplicates many commands from the Edit and Scene menus. It has one additional command: Note that the commands on the contextual menu apply to the current selection, not necessarily to the node you right-clicked on.

Property pane

The contents of this pane depend on the selected node.


The perspective viewport shows you a rendered view of the 3D scene. The controls for moving the camera are as follows: Clicking with the left button generally selects the object clicked on. Shift-clicking extends the selection to multiple objects, and clicking on the background deselects everything. Multiple selections are mainly for grouping; manipulators apply to the first object selected only. To manipulate several objects together, group them and select the group's transformation. Selecting an object actually selects the transformation just above it; this is normally what you want in order to manipulate it. But if you have created a tree where some objects do not have their own transformation, editing this transformation may affect other objects. Look at the tree view to understand what is selected. The operation of the manipulators is described in the handout. You can still select objects when the manipulator is displayed.

Cornell CS4620 Fall 2009 (cs4620-staff-l@cs.cornell.edu)