CS 4320 (and 5320): Introduction to Database Systems

CS4320/CS5320 is an introduction to relational database systems, NoSQL and NewSQL systems, and other tools for large-scale data analysis. Topics covered include the relational model, SQL, query processing and optimization, transactions, recovery, NoSQL and NewSQL systems, database design, as well as systems for graph, stream, and spatial data processing.

All assignments will be distributed over the Course Management System (CMS). We will be using Ed as a forum for student discussion, for announcements, and to distribute material such as lecture notes. Therefore, this Web site is deliberately fairly minimal.

Course registration link for the Ed discussion forum: here.

Course enrollment: I currently receive a large number of mails asking me to enroll students from the wait list. Please note: I do not handle course enrollments and, unfortunately, will not be able to help with that.


Here are the contact details for the course staff:


The course meets three times a week, MWF 2:40pm - 3:30pm in Olin Hall 155. Video recordings and slides from last year are available on www.databaselecture.com.


Course Project

The course project is only required when taking the CS 5320 version of the course (not for the CS 4320 version). The goal of the course project is to analyze a recent, scientific paper from the database domain. One of the following papers can be selected for the course project (selecting a different paper requires explicit permission by the course instructor):

Projects are solved by groups of up to six students. Each team submits a one-page document about the paper until the end of the semester. This document contains the following parts:

To achieve full points, the submitted document must provide a detailed and accurate summary, as well as reasonable and well justified advantages and proposals for extensions.


The grade is based on a weighted average of the different course components:


The detailed course syllabus is available here. Slides and recordings of past semesters are available on www.databaselecture.com.

Office Hours

Ishneet Sachariks23Monday1:00 PM - 2:00 PMZoom Link
Gauri Pidatalavp223Monday2:30 PM - 3:30 PMZoom Link
Ziyun Weizw555Monday3:30 PM - 4:30PMZoom Link
Victor Chenvmc49Tuesday2:30 PM - 3:30 PMZoom Link
Daisy Shudds86Wednesday10 AM - 11 AMZoom Link
Saehan Josj683Wednesday1 PM - 2 PMRhodes 400
Keyang Yuky442Wednesday4:00 PM - 5:00 PMZoom Link
Andres Hernandezaah245Thursday11:30 AM - 12:30 PMRhodes 402
Immanuel Trummerit224Thursday5 PM - 6 PMZoom Link
Twesha Moditjm326Friday8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Zoom Link
Ashley Yuyy346Saturday 7:00 PM - 9:00 PMZoom Link
Junxiong Wangjw2544Sunday10:45 AM - 11:45 AMZoom Link

Changes to regular office hours will be posted on Ed. Please make sure to check on Ed before visiting an office hour!

Additional Material

About the first two thirds of the course are based on the textbook "Database Management Systems" by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. The last third of the course discusses recently proposed systems, more details about them can be found in the corresponding research papers.