CS/INFO 4152: Advanced Topics in Computer Game Development


Groups 1-4 are to meet during Section 201 (Monday 12:20-1:10)
Groups 5-8 are to meet during Section 202 (Wednesday 2:30-3:20)

Singularity Games (Group 1)
Anna Rice (acr235)
Alina Robin (amr276)
Pippen Wu (hw473)
Haoming Wu (hw647)
Jacob Rauch (jer322)
Zijun Chen (zc423)
Zachary Silliman (zjs9)
Ravenjack Games (Group 2)
Ant Agonist
Akira Shindo (as2568)
Chelsea Luo (cl773)
Yuheng Zhu (yz484 )
Julian Goldberg (jg766)
Nathaniel Kaplan (nak74)
Ryan Yoon (rdy23)
Victoria Mao (ym277)
Beige (Group 3)
Pig Life Crisis
Harrison Unruh (hju3)
Jasmine Chen (jc2535)
Eliot Huang (keh228)
Nicholas Teo (nt269)
Nicole Cheung (ntc27)
Alice Zhou (rz96)
Urael Xu (ux22)
Puppy Spirit (Group 4)
Weather Defender
Jiwon Kim (jk2332)
Kamille Gomez (kkg34)
Stefan Joseph (scj47)
Sarah Skrutskie (sfs226)
Yue Sun (ys896)
Ares Xiao (yx538)
Zaibo Wang (zw85)
Sicko Code (Group 5)
Amrit Amar (aa792)
Ally Yuan (ahy7)
Alan Pascual (ap835)
Brandon Zhang (bzz4)
Hanna Arfine (ha264)
Luke Shin (hs622)
Michael Yee (mby22)
Big Yike Games (Group 6)
Stranger Seas
Jerry Qu (cq55)
Heesun Jun (hj369)
Michael Lucido (mjl329)
Ray Zeng (rz72)
Serge-Olivier Amega (sa837)
Xiaohan Gao (xg63)
Winging It Studios (Group 7)
Cluck Cluck Moose
Amanda Trang (at669)
David Arcia (daa98)
Dylan Magsarili (dm678)
Emma Cohn (emc284)
Jonathan Oliveira (jyo4)
Melissa Avila (ma796)
Richard Zheng (rz98)
Chef Party (Group 8)
Family Style
Gabriel Lane (gal86)
Jacob Gleberman (jhg279)
Jeremy Storey (jks284)
Rena Ryumae (rkr45)
Ryan Feldman (rpf53)
Sameer Khoja (sk2327)
Ziyad Duron (zad22)