CS 414 and CS 415 Regrade Procedure

Fall 2002


All regrade requests must be made within 14 days of receiving graded exam/homework.


Regrades must be accompanied by a CS414/415 Application for Regrade form (available

From Kathy Carpenter UP 4115, Prof. Matthews UP 5153, or printed off the CS414 web site.


Regrade requests must be turned in to Kathy Carpenter, Upson 4115.  If her office door is closed, slip your regrade request under the door.  Each request must have a regrade form attached, along with the original assignment (unless the assignment was electronic).


Regrade requests will be logged and assigned a number for tracking purposes.  Once a regrade is received, Kathy will email the CS414 TA that originally graded your assignment and request that the regrade be picked up that day.   Regrades should be returned by the TA to Kathy within 7 days.


Once the regrade is returned, Kathy will email the student so that they can come by and pick up their regraded assignment.


Students wishing to follow-up on their regrade requests can do so beginning after 7 days from the day they turned it in.  Email kathyc@cs.cornell.edu to follow up.


If you feel your regrade is unfair, you can request a second regrade by following the same procedure outlined above.  The second regrade request will be forwarded to Prof. Matthews for review.