CS 415
Practicum In Operating Systems
Fall 2002
M 3:35-4:25 pm, TH 203
CS 414: Systems Programming and Operating Systems 

Send email to the 415 staff at cs415-staff@cs.cornell.edu

CS 415 Newsgroup: cornell.class.cs415

Ken Hopkinson    Upson 5154                         hopkik@cs.cornell.edu    Office Hours: TR 12:00-1:00
Prakash Linga       Upson 4110                         linga@cs.cornell.edu       Office Hours: W    2:30-3:30
David Keppler      CS Undergraduate Lab        drk17@cs.cornell.edu     Office Hours: F     2:30-3:30


Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manuals:
Volume 1: Basic Architecture , Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference , Volume 3: System Programming

ARM Procedure Calling Convention and ARM Architecture Manual

Using CVS in CSUGLab

C Style Guide

C for Java Programmers

Tips and tricks for the @migo
Questions? Contact Jeanna Matthews