CS 4120: Introduction to Compilers
Fall 2011

Problem Set 3: Semantic Analysis

due: Friday, Sept 23, 11:59PM

changes: (Sept.20) Problems 1c and 2 were changed to bring the code more into line with Xi.

  1. For each of the following Xi terms, give a typing context in which it type-checks, or else explain why it can't be done.

    1. if (x + 2 == 4) { return(x) }
    2. while (f(x,y)) x = x + f(y,x)
    3. a: int[], _ = (b, ((3, f)[y]))
  2. Assume that f is declared with this signature:
    f(x: bool, y: bool): int, int[]
    Show the full typing derivation for the following Xi statement:
    x:int, _ = f((true,false,true)[1], 0==1-1)
  3. Suppose that Xi is extended with a new “foreach” statement:
        foreach (x in e) s

    The expression e must evaluate to an array. The foreach statement executes the statement S once for each element of the array, with the variable x bound to the array element at index i−1 on iteration i. For example, this program:

        use conv
        use io
        main(args: int[][]) {
          a: int[] = (3,4,5)
          foreach (x in a)

    would produce this output:

    Give a suitable inference rule to describe the typing of this new statement form.