Definitions: Implementation defined: Arbitrary at the discretion of the underlying MMII implementation. Undefined: Any behaviour at all. You may not rely on it. The program may or may not crash, monkey may or may not fly out of your monitor, etc. "It is an error to ": Doing will result in undefined behaviour. Application defined: Anything written by you, the application programmer. User: The person twiddling the GUI at runtime. Known Bugs: - Too much implementation-defined and undefined behaviour. - No good way to show/hide/destroy widgets. - Not very useful for large applications. MMII Library Summary: makeApplication(name:string):Application ==== Precondition: name is a non-null string, makeApplication() has not been called previously. Postcondition: the return value is an instance of a class implementing the Application interface (below). On Error: returns null if there is an error creating an application instance. returns the previous application instance if makeApplication() has been called previously. .... interface Application ==== The Application instance manages the main event loop of the program. It is responsible for zero or more windows, and zero or more idle tasks. .... Application.addIdleTask(t:IdleTask) ==== Precondition: t is a non-null instance of IdleTask that has not been previously used as an argument to addIdleTask() Postcondition: At implementation defined periods of time, the application instance will issue a call to the work() method of t. The relative order of execution of two IdleTasks is undefined. The frequency of execution of an IdleTask is undefined. Errors: Implementation defined result if addIdleTask() is called more than once on the same IdleTask instance. Undefined result if addIdleTask() is called with a null argument. .... Application.removeIdleTask(t:IdleTask) ==== Precondition: t is a non-null instance of IdleTask that has been previously used as an argument to addIdleTask() Postcondition: t will no longer be called during implementation defined periods of inactivity. Errors: Undefined result if t is null. Undefined result if addIdleTask() was not previously called on t. Note: It is okay to call removeIdleTask(t) from within the work() method of t. .... ==== Precondition: The run() method was not previously called on the current applicaiton instance. Postcondition: The application will dispatch messages on behalf of its Frames and their children and will execute idle tasks. Errors: After run() returns, the application has exited and it is an error to call any method on any instance of an object from the MMII package. .... Application.requestApplicationExit() ==== Precondition: The run() method of the application has been called, but has not yet returned. Postcondition: After some implemenetation defined, finite, period of time, the Application instance will exit (that is, the run() method will return). Errors: Undefined result if requestApplicationExit() is called before the run() method has been called, or after it has returned. .... Application.makeFrame(title:string, width:int, height:int):Frame ==== Precondition: title is a non-null string, width and height are non-negative integers Postcondition: A new window will appear on the screen with the requested titlebar string and the given width and height. The window will be visible. The window or its children will not process user events unless the run() method has been called but has not yet returned. The method returns the Frame object that can be used to manipulate the window. Errors: It is an error to call this method after the run() method has returned. .... interface IdleTask ==== Instances of IdleTask should be implemented by the application programmer in order to request that the Application perform some background task(s). .... ==== Precondition: The current instance of IdleTask has been previously used as an argument to Application.addIdleTask() but has not yet been used as an argument to Application.removeIdleTask(), and the method has been called but has not yet returned. Postcondition: Implemented by application programmer. Errors: Application dependent. Caveat: The work() method should return quickly. No UI event handling can take place until all the work() methods for all idle tasks return. .... interface Frame ==== A Frame (or window) is a handle to a top-level application window. It has a title, and a Composite that represents the main canvas of the window where child widgets may be installed. The Frame has an implementation-defined menu bar that contains some implementation-defined menus. A window may be closed. Note that the closing of a window is not normally related in any way to exiting from the application, you should add a FrameListener that calls Application.requestApplicationExit() in order to have the application exit if the window is closed. .... Frame.composite():Composite ==== Precondition: None Postcondition: Returns the instance of Composite reponsible for the children of this frame. Errors: None .... Frame.addListener(x:FrameListener) ==== Precondition: x is a non-null instance of FrameListener. Postcondition: Methods in x will be called by the current frame when interesting events happen. Errors: Implementation defined results if x has already been used as an argument to addListener for this instance of Frame. .... Frame.removeListener(x:FrameListener) ==== Precondition: x has been used as an argument to addListener for this Frame instance. Postcondition: x will no longer have its methods called by this Frame when interesting events happen. Errors: Implementation defined results if x is not a listener for this Frame. Undefined results if removeListener is called from within a method of a FrameListener (this is a bug in the current version of MMII). .... interface FrameListener ==== Instances of FrameListner should be implemented by the application programmer in order to receive and process Frame-related events. .... FrameListener.onClose(x:Frame):bool ==== Precondition: x is a frame, and this instance of FrameListner has been used as an argument to x.addListener(), but not yet as an argument to x.removeListner(). The user has indicated that the Frame x should be closed Postcondition: The application programmer should return true from this method if it is okay to close this window, or false if it is not. Errors: Undefined results if this method calls x.removeListener() .... NOTE: Dialog is not implemented in this version of MMII. interface Widget ==== A Widget represents an onscreen element with which the user may possibly interact. Widgets are contained in one or more Composite widgets. A Composite widget is either the child of another Composite widget, or it is the Composite associated with a Frame (or Dialog). Widget.isComposite():bool ==== Precondition: None Postcondition: returns true if this widget is a Composite widget. .... Widget.parent():Composite ==== Precondition: None Postcondition: returns the Composite widget that is the parent of this widget, or null if this widget is the composite associated with a Frame. .... interface Composite extends Widget ==== A Composite widget is a container of other widgets. .... Composite.addWidget(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int):WidgetMaker ==== Precondition: w, h are non-negative Postcondition: Returns an "unfired" instance of WidgetMaker (see below) which when fired will create a widget within this composite at the given x and y coordinates with the given width and height. It is implementation-defined whether the width, height or on-screen coordinates are honored or ignored. On Error: returns null if width or height is negative. .... Composite.enumerateChildren(c:CompositeVisitor) ==== Precondition: c is a non-null instance of CompositeVisitor Postcondition: c.visitChild() is called, in some implementation defined order, for each Widget that is a child of this Composite. On Error: Undefined result if c is null. .... Composite.destroy() ==== Precondition: None Postcondition: None Bugs: This method is currently not implemented .... interface CompositeVisitor ==== Instances of CompositeVisitor can be written by the application programmer to traverse the Widget hierarchy. .... CompositeVisitor.visitChild(c:Composite, x:Widget) ==== Precondition: this CompositeVisitor was used as an argument to c.enumerateChildren(). x is a Widget that is a child of c. Poscondition: Application defined. .... } interface WidgetMaker ==== A WidgetMaker is a one-shot class responsible for creating a widget as a child of a Composite widget. Each WidgetMaker instance has associated with it the Composite whose addWidget() method was called to get this instance of WidgetMaker, as well as the coordinates and dimensions with which addWidget() was called. A WidgetMaker is "fired" by calling one of its methods. Subsequent firings of a WidgetMaker will fail to create any children and will indicate this by returning null. It is generally useless to hold on to an instance of WidgetMaker past its first firing. There is no good reason to call addWidget() without immediately firing the resulting WidgetMaker. .... WidgetMaker.composite():Composite ==== Precondition: this WidgetMaker hasn't been fired yet. Postcondition: a new Composite widget is created, and this WidgetMaker is considered to have fired. The Composite is visible and active. Errors: if this WidgetMaker has already fired, subsequent firings return null. .... WidgetMaker.command(label:string):Command ==== Precondition: this WidgetMaker hasn't been fired yet. Postcondition: a new Command widget (a pushbutton) is created with the given label, and this WidgetMaker is considered to have fired. Errors: if this WidgetMaker has already fired, subsequent firings return null. .... WidgetMaker.multipleChoice():MultipleChoice ==== Precondition: this WidgetMaker hasn't been fired yet. Postcondition: a new MultipleChoice widget (a drop-down list) is created, and this WidgetMaker is considered to have fired. Errors: if this WidgetMaker has already fired, subsequent firings return null. .... WidgetMaker.textEntry():TextEntry ==== Precondition: this WidgetMaker hasn't been fired yet. Postcondition: a new TextEntry widget (a single line edit box) is created, and this WidgetMaker is considered to have fired. Errors: if this WidgetMaker has already fired, subsequent firings return null. .... interface Command extends Widget ==== A Command widget represents a pushbutton. A user may click a pushbutton to generate events. A Command widget has a label on it that the user can see. .... Command.getLabel():string ==== Precondition: None Postcondition: returns the text of the current label of this Command widget. Errors: none .... Command.setLabel(l:string) ==== Precondition: l is a non-null string Postcondition: The label of this Command widget is changed to l. Errors: Implementation defined result if l is a string. .... Command.addListener(x:CommandListener) ==== Precondition: x is a non-null instance of CommandListener. Postcondition: Methods in x will be called by this Command when interesting events happen. Errors: Implementation defined results if x has already been used as an argument to addListener for this instance of Command. .... Command.removeListener(x:CommandListener) ==== Precondition: x has been used as an argument to addListener for this Command instance. Postcondition: x will no longer have its methods called by this Command when interesting events happen. Errors: Implementation defined results if x is not a listener for this Command. Undefined results if removeListener is called from within a method of a CommandListener (this is a bug in the current version of MMII). .... interface CommandListener ==== Instances of CommandListner can be implemented by the application programmer in order to receive a notification when the user clicks the Command button. .... CommandListner.onClick(x:Command) ==== Precondition: x is a Command, and this instance of CommandListner has been used as an argument to x.addListener(), but not yet as an argument to x.removeListner(). The user has clicked the button associated with x. Postcondition: Application-programmer defined. Errors: Undefined results if this method calls x.removeListener() .... interface MultipleChoice extends Widget ==== A MultipleChoice widget allows the user to make a single selection from a finite set of choices. .... MultipleChoice.addChoice(label:string, datum:object):int ==== Precondition: label is non-null Postcondition: Adds a new choice with the given label and associated datum to this MultipleChoice widget. Returns the position of this choice within the MultipleChoice widget's list. Errors: Undefined results if label is null. .... MultipleChoice.getLabel(pos:int):string ==== Precondition: pos is non-negative and the list contains at least pos+1 elements. Postcondition: the return value is the label in position pos. Errors: Undefined result unless 0 <= pos < [number of list elements] .... MultipleChoice.getDatum(pos:int):object ==== Precondition: pos is non-negative and the list contains at least pos+1 elements. Postcondition: the return value is the datum associated with list position pos. Errors: Undefined result unless 0 <= pos < [number of list elements] .... MultipleChoice.setDatum(pos:int, datum:object):object ==== Precondition: pos is non-negative and the list contains at least pos+1 elements. Postcondition: datum is associated with the list posisition pos and the old datum is returned. Note: return value may be null on success if previous datum was null. Errors: Undefined result unless 0 <= pos < [number of list elements] .... MultipleChoice.setLabel(pos:int, label:string):string ==== Precondition: pos is non-negative and the list contains at least pos+1 elements, label is a non-null string. Postcondition: label is associated with the list posisition pos and the old label is returned. Errors: Undefined result unless 0 <= pos < [number of list elements] and label is non-null. .... MultipleChoice.enumerateChoices(v:MultipleChoiceVisitor) ==== Precondition: v non-null Postcondition: v.visitChoice() is called once for each choice in this MultipleChoice widget. The order in which choices are visited is implementation-defined. Errors: Undefined result if v is null. .... MultipleChoice.getSelected():int ==== Precondition: none Postcondition: The return value is -1 if no choice is currently selected, or it is the list position of the currently selected choice. Errors: None .... MultipleChoice.setSelected(pos:int):int ==== Preconditions: -1 <= pos < [number of choices] Postcondition: if pos==-1, then no choice is selected, otherwise the choice in position pos is selected. The position of the previously selected choice is returned, or -1 if no choice was previously selected. Errors: Undefined result if pos is not in range. .... MultipleChoice.addListener(v:MultipleChoiceListener) ==== Precondition: v non-null. Postcondition: subsequently until this.removeListener(v) is called, v will be notified of changes in the current choice in this MultipleChoice wigets. Note: It is implementation-defined whether Listners will be called in notification to programatic changes (due to calls to setSelected()) changed in selection. Errors: Undefined result if v is null. .... MultipleChoice.removeListener(v:MultipleChoiceListener) ==== Precondition: v non-null Postcondition: v will no longer be notified in the changes to the selected choice in this MultipleChoice widget. Errors: Undefined result if this method is called from inside v. Undefined result if v is null. .... interface MultipleChoiceVisitor ==== Applications should provide instances of MultipleChoiceVisitor in order to investigate the choices of a MultipleChoice widget. .... MultipleChoiceVisitor.visitChoice(m:MultipleChoice, pos:int, label:string, datum:object) ==== Precondition: m.enumerateChoices() was called with this MultipleChoiceVisitor as the argument, m is non-null, pos is in range, label is non-null Poscondition: Application-defined Errors: it is an error to call m.addChoice() from this method .... interface MultipleChoiceListener ==== Applications should provide instances of MultipleChoiceListener to be notified of changes in the currently selected choice in a MultipleChoice widget. .... MultipleChoiceListener.onChange(x:MultipleChoice, pos:int) ==== Precondition: x is non-null, and previously x.addListner(this) has been called, but x.removeListner(this) has not yet been. pos is in range for x. The user has changed the currently selected choice in x. Postcondition: Application defined. Errors: Undefined results from calls to x.removeListener(). .... interface TextEntry extends Widget ==== A TextEntry is a single-line edit control into which the user may type text, or the application may output text to. .... TextEntry.getText():string ==== Precondition: none Postcondition: Returns the text in this TextEntry Widget .... TextEntry.setText(s:string) ==== Precondition: s != null Postcondition: The text in this TextEntry Widget is changed to s. Errors: Undefined result if s is null. ....