CS3410 Programming Assignment 1: FAQ

Instructor: Kavita Bala

Due: Wednesday, October 8th, 2008, 11:59pm


September 29, 4:30PM: The assignment had a small inconsistency.  In the top table, JAL and JALR are listed to be partially decoded in this assignment and finally decoded in PA2; but they were accidentally left grayed out in the bottom opcode table.  This was a mistake.  Both JAL and JALR will be implemented in PA2 and should be treated in this assignment the same as all the other operations in Table B.
September 25, 12:10PM: There was a typo in Table 2 of the original assignment.  Under branches, the instruction GNE was listed; this instruction does not exist.  It should have read BNE.  The posted version has been corrected.

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