CS3410 Homework 4: FAQ


November 13,11:30AM: There have been several questions about what answers are acceptable.  The two common questions have been:

Question: Do I have to use a solution that encodes MIPS instructions in the input file?

Answer: No, we don’t really care how your solution achieves the hack as long as it does. 

Question: Is it okay if my program outputs XXX instead of what is printed in the assignment?

Answer: Your solution must at least delete the original output “The input was:” and it must output fully “Ownt! H4x0r3d by <netid>”.  If your solution causes additional output, it is okay in one case and not in another.  If the additional output is caused by the simulator crashing, i.e. warnings from the simulator or seg fault notifications, it is perfectly acceptable.  However if the additional output is generated specifically from your hack, it is not acceptable.  The best possible solutions output exactly the requested string.

November 9, 9:30PM: Many students are having a problem with the path setup in HW4.  The problem is that by default the current directory is not on the path.  This means that if I am in the directory foo and wish to run the command bar, I must type ./bar.  Typing just bar gives the error "command not found".  This can be corrected by either adding the ./ before all commands or by permanently adding the current directory (signified by the .) to the path.   The command echo 'setenv PATH ${PATH}:.' >> ~/.cshrc will do this when entered at any prompt.  You will need to log out and login again for the new path to take effect.