CS 312 Lecture 22
Type inference, unification, let-polymorphism

In our SML programming we've been writing down types in function declarations. But if we leave the types off, the SML type-checker is able to figure out what the right type annotations should have been. This is called type inference or type reconstruction; In this lecture we'll see how it works.  Notice that even a simple type checker does some amount of type inference; we don't have to write down types on every expression because it figures out a lot of the types itself. But it turns out that we can type-check the core of SML without any type declarations, which may seem surprising. 
- val f = fn z => z+2
val f = fn : int->int
- val ident = fn x => x
val ident = fn : 'a -> 'a
- let fun square z = z*z
    fn f => fn x => fn y =>
     if f x y then f (square x) y
     else f x (f x y)
val it = fn : (int->bool->bool)->int->bool->bool

To see how this works, we'll start with a simple type checker for an ML-like language and extend it to support type inference. There are several things to notice about this code:

type id = string

structure Type = struct
  datatype type_ =
    Int | Bool
  | Arrow of type_ * type_  (* t1 -> t2 *)
  | Product of type_ * type_   (* t1 * t2 *)

  (* Checks that t1 and t2 are the same type. *)
  fun check_equal(t1:type_, t2:type_): unit =
    case t1 of
      Int =>
        (case t2 of
           Int => ()
         | _ => raise Fail("expected int"))
    | Bool =>
        (case t2 of
           Bool => ()
         | _ => raise Fail("expected bool"))
    | Arrow(t3,t4) =>
        (case t2 of
           Arrow(t3',t4') =>
             (check_equal(t3,t3'); check_equal(t4,t4'))
         | _ => raise Fail("expected an arrow type"))
    | Product(t3,t4) =>
        (case t2 of
           Product(t3',t4') => (check_equal(t3,t3');
         | _ => raise Fail("expected a pair type"))

signature ENVIRONMENT = sig
  (* An 'a env is an environment:
   * a partial function from identifiers (id) to
   * values of type 'a *)
  type 'a env
  val empty: 'a env
  (* lookup(env,id) is the value id maps to in env
   * Checks: env has a mapping for id. *)
  val lookup: 'a env * id -> 'a
  (* update(env,id,v) is an environment just like env
   * except that it has a mapping from id to v *)
  val update: 'a env * id * 'a -> 'a env

(* Environments as association lists *)
structure Env : ENVIRONMENT = struct
  type 'a env = (id * 'a) list
  val empty = nil
  fun lookup(r: 'a env, x: id) =
    case r of
      nil => raise Fail("No such variable: "^x)
    | (y,v)::t => if x = y then v else lookup(t,x)
  fun update(r: 'a env, x: id, t: 'a) = (x,t) :: r
(* Another interesting O(n) implemention:
structure Env : ENVIRONMENT = struct
  type 'a env = id -> 'a
  fun empty(x: id) = raise Fail "no such variable";
  fun lookup(r: 'a env, x: id) = r(x)
  fun update(r: 'a env, x: id, t: 'a) =
    (fn(y:id) => if x = y then t else r(y))

type env = Type.type_ Env.env
type type_ = Type.type_

datatype expr =
  Var of id                    (* id *)
| True | False                 (* true, false *)
| IntConst of int              (* n *)
| If of expr*expr*expr         (* if e1 then e2 else e3 *)
| Op of expr * expr            (* e1 + e2 *)
| Select of int*expr           (* #i e *)
| Pair of expr * expr          (* (e1, e2) *)
| Let of (decl list) * expr    (* let d in e end *)
| Fun of id * type_ * expr     (* fn (id:type) => expr *)
| Apply of expr * expr         (* e1(e2) *)
  decl = VarDecl of id * type_ * expr   (* val id:t = e *)
  | FunDecl of id*id*type_*type_*expr   (* fun id1(id2:t1):t2 = e *)

(* A convenient definition *)
val check_equal = Type.check_equal

(* tcheck(r,e) is the type of e in type environment r.
 * Raises Fail if the expression e does not type-check. *)

fun tcheck(r: env, e: expr):type_ =
  case e of
    Var(x) => Env.lookup(r, x)
  | True => Type.Bool
  | False => Type.Bool
  | IntConst(n) => Type.Int
  | Let(d,e) =>
      let val r' = foldl declcheck r d
      in tcheck(r', e)
  | If(e1, e2, e3) =>
      let val t2 = tcheck(r, e2)
          val t3 = tcheck(r, e3)
        check_equal(Type.Bool, tcheck(r, e1)); check_equal(t2,t3); t2
  | Op(e1,e2) => (check_equal(tcheck(r,e1), Type.Int);
                  check_equal(tcheck(r,e2), Type.Int);
  | Pair(e1,e2) => Type.Product(tcheck(r, e1), tcheck(r, e2))
  | Select(i, e) => (case tcheck(r, e)
                       of Type.Product(t1,t2) =>
                         (case i
                            of 1 => t1
                             | 2 => t2
                             | _ => raise Fail("Illegal index"))
                        | _ => raise Fail("expected pair"))
  | Fun(x,t,e) => Type.Arrow(t, tcheck(Env.update(r,x,t), e))
  | Apply(e1, e2) => case tcheck(r, e1)
                       of Type.Arrow(t1, t2) =>
                         (check_equal(t1, tcheck(r, e2)); t2)
                        | _ => raise Fail("wrong arg type")
  (* declcheck(d, r) is the environment r extended with the
   * declaration d. Raises Fail if the declaration d does not
   * type-check. *)
  declcheck(d: decl, r:env):env =
  case d of
    VarDecl(x,t,e) =>
      (check_equal(t, tcheck(r, e)); Env.update(r, x, t))
  | FunDecl(f,x,t1,t2,e) =>
      let val r' = Env.update(r, f, Type.Arrow(t1,t2))
        check_equal(t2, tcheck(Env.update(r', x, t1), e));

(* program_type(e) is the type of the program e, which is assumed not
 * to contain any unbound variables.
 * Checks: that e is a well-formed program.

fun tc(e: expr):type_ = tcheck(Env.empty, e)

(* let fun f(n: int):int = n in f end *)
val e1 = Let(FunDecl("f", "n", Type.Int, Type.Int, Var("n"))::nil, Var("f"))

(* (2, true) *)
val e2:expr = Pair(IntConst(2), True)

(* fn(x: int->bool) => fn (y: int) => x (y + 1) *)
val e3:expr = Fun("x", Type.Arrow(Type.Int,Type.Bool),
                  Fun("y", Type.Int,
                      Apply(Var("x"), Op(Var("y"), IntConst(1)))))

val dummy = (Compiler.Control.Print.printDepth := 1000)

The key idea behind the unification-based type inference algorithm is to introduce type variables to stand in place of types that the algorithm hasn't figured out yet. If a new undeclared type is encountered (for example, in a let expression), it is added to the environment, bound to a type variable. During type checking, type variables are solved for as necessary. This works because the only time that the type checker above generates any constraints on types is when they are compared for equality. We can build a type inference algorithm by having the test for equality also simultaneously solve for type variables as needed to unify the two types being compared: that is, make them equal.

For example, if we compare the two types T1->bool and (int->T3)->T2, where T1, T2, and T3 are type variables, we can see that we can make these two types equal by picking types T1=int->T3 and T2=bool. We can think of these two equations as substitutions that, if applied to the types being compared, make them equal to one another. In this case, the result of applying the substitutions to both types is (int->T3)->bool.

There are many substitutions that would make these two types equal, because we can add T3=t to the substitution for any arbitrary type t and still unify the two types. Comparing these two types doesn't give us any information about T3, so we wouldn't want to do that. Therefore unification of the two types finds the weakest substitution that unifies the two types. A substitution is weaker than another if the stronger substitution can be described as applying the weaker substitution, followed by another non-trivial substitution. For example, any substitution of the form (T1=int->t, T2=bool,T3=t) can be achieved by first doing a substitution (T1=int->T3, T2=bool) and then a substitution (T3=t). The unification algorithm should find the weakest unifying substitution:  (T1=int->T3, T2=bool).

The downside of unification is that it can lead to confusing error messages when an expression is not well-typed. For example:

- fn z => let val (x,y)=z in z(x) end
stdIn:2.4-24.5 Error: operator is not a function [tycon mismatch]
  operator: 'Z * 'Y
  in expression:
    z x

The types 'Z and 'Y are the way that SML reports an unsolved type variable in an error message. This error message tells us that SML tried to unify a tuple type 'Z*'Y against a function type and failed (as we would expect). SML hadn't figured out what the types of the tuple elements were, so it just reported the type variables instead.

A nice way to implement unification-based type inference is to represent type variables using ref cells. For an unsolved type variable, the ref cell points to NONE; once it is solved and set equal to some type t, the cell is updated to point to SOME(t). Here is an implementation of type inference using that technique:

datatype expr =
  Var of id                     (* id *)
| True | False                 (* true, false *)
| IntConst of int              (* n *)
| If of expr * expr * expr     (* if e1 then e2 else e3 *)
| Let of (decl list) * expr    (* let d in e end *)
| Fun of id * expr             (* fn (id) => expr -- NO TYPE DECL *)
| Op of expr * expr            (* e1 + e2 *)
| Select of int*expr           (* #i e *)
| Pair of expr * expr          (* (e1, e2) *)
| Apply of expr * expr         (* e1(e2); *)
  decl = VarDecl of id * expr  (* val id = e -- NO TYPE DECL *)
  | FunDecl of id * id * expr  (* fun id1(id2) = e -- NO TYPE DECL *)

structure Type' = struct
  (* A type_ is a type that may contain some
   * type variables still to be solved for. A
   * type variable (Var) is solved by assigning
   * its ref to a type. *)
  datatype type_ =
  | Bool
  | Arrow of type_ * type_
  | Pair of type_ * type_
  | TypeVar of type_ option ref * int

  (* Create a fresh type variable. *)
  val cur_index = ref 0
  fun freshTypeVar(): type_ = (cur_index := 1 + !cur_index;
                               TypeVar(ref NONE, !cur_index))

  fun unparse(t: type_): string =
    case t
      of Int => "int"
        | Bool => "bool"
        | Arrow(t1,t2) => unparse(t1)^"->"^unparse(t2)
        | Pair(t1,t2) => unparse(t1)^"*"^unparse(t2)
        | TypeVar(r,nm) =>
            case !r
              of NONE =>
               | SOME t => unparse(t)

   (* Determine whether t1 can be made equal to t2, by unification.
    * Effects: may solve for some type variables, as necessary. Raises
    * Fail if the two types cannot be unified. *)
  fun unify(t1: type_, t2: type_): unit =
    print ("Unifying " ^ unparse(t1) ^ " with " ^ unparse(t2) ^ "\n");
    case t1
      of TypeVar(r,nm) => unifyVar(t2, r)
       | Int =>
        (case t2
           of Int => ()
            | TypeVar(r,_) => unifyVar(t1, r)
            | _ => raise Fail("expected int"))
       | Bool =>
        (case t2
           of Bool => ()
            | TypeVar(r,_) => unifyVar(t1, r)
            | _ => raise Fail("expected bool"))
       | Arrow(t3, t4) =>
        (case t2
           of Arrow(t3',t4') => (unify(t3,t3');
            | TypeVar(r,_) => unifyVar(t1,r)
            | _ => raise Fail("expected a function type"))
       | Pair(t3,t4) =>
           (case t2
              of Pair(t3', t4') => (unify(t3,t3');
               | TypeVar(r,_) => unifyVar(t1, r)
               | _ => raise Fail("expected a product type"))
    unifyVar(t1:type_, r:type_ option ref): unit =
    case !r
      of NONE =>
        (case t1 of
           TypeVar(r1,_) => if r1 <> r then r := SOME t1 else () (* cycle *)
         | _ => r := SOME t1)
       | SOME t => unify(t1, t)


type env = Type'.type_ Env.env
type type_ = Type'.type_

(* tcheck(r,e) is the type of e in type environment r.
 * Raises Fail if the expression e does not type-check. *)
fun tcheck(r: env, e: expr):type_ =
  case e of
    Var(x) => Env.lookup(r, x)
  | True => Type'.Bool
  | False => Type'.Bool
  | IntConst(n) => Type'.Int
  | Let(d,e) => tcheck(foldl declcheck r d, e)
  | If(e1, e2, e3) =>
      let val t2 = tcheck(r, e2)
          val t3 = tcheck(r, e3)
        Type'.unify(Type'.Bool, tcheck(r, e1));
  | Op(e1,e2) => (Type'.unify(tcheck(r,e1), Type'.Int);
                  Type'.unify(tcheck(r,e2), Type'.Int);
  | Fun(x,e) => let val t = Type'.freshTypeVar()
                in Type'.Arrow(t, tcheck(Env.update(r,x,t), e))
  | Apply(e1, e2) =>
                  val t = Type'.freshTypeVar()
                  val t' = Type'.freshTypeVar()
                  val t1 = tcheck(r, e1)
                  val t2 = tcheck(r, e2)
                  val tf = Type'.Arrow(t, t')
                  Type'.unify(t1, tf);
                  Type'.unify(t2, t);
  | Pair(e1,e2) => Type'.Pair(tcheck(r, e1), tcheck(r, e2))
  | Select(i, e) => let val t1 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
                        val t2 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
    in Type'.unify(Type'.Pair(t1,t2), tcheck(r, e));
      (case i
         of 1 => t1
          | 2 => t2
          | _ => raise Fail("Illegal index"))
  (* declcheck(d, r) is the environment r extended with the
   * declaration d. Raises Fail if the declaration d does not
   * type-check. *)
  declcheck(d: decl, r:env):env =
  case d of
    VarDecl(x,e) =>
      Env.update(r, x, tcheck(r, e))
  | FunDecl(f,x,e) =>
      let val t1 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
          val t2 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
          val tf = Type'.Arrow(t1,t2)
          val r' = Env.update(r,f,tf)
          val r'' = Env.update(r',x,t1)
          val te = tcheck(r'', e)
        Type'.unify(te, t2); r'


fun tc(e) = (Type'.cur_index := 0; Type'.unparse(tcheck(Env.empty, e)))

(* let fun f(n) = n + 2 in f end *)
val e1 = Let(FunDecl("f", "n", Op(Var("n"), IntConst(2)))::nil, Var("f"))

(* let fun f(n) = n in f end *)
val e2 = Let(FunDecl("f", "n", Var("n"))::nil, Var("f"))

(* let fun f(n) = n in f(2) end *)
val e2a = Let(FunDecl("f", "n", Var("n"))::nil, Apply(Var("f"), IntConst(2)))

(* let fun f(x) = fn(y) => x + y in f end *)
val e3 = Let(FunDecl("f", "x", Fun("y", Op(Var("x"), Var("y"))))::nil, Var("f"))

(* let fun loop(x) = loop(x+1) in loop end *)
val e4 = Let([FunDecl("loop", "x",

This implementation of type inference can be extended with a little more effort to provide SML-style polymorphism (called let-polymorphism) in which variables can have polymorphic type. Consider using the type inference algorithm above to find the type of a variable. If that type contains unsolved type variables that don't appear anywhere else in the program, they clearly can be replaced with any type we want. Therefore the variable with that type can actually be used with different type bindings in different places. For example, if we write
let fun ident(x) => x
in ident(ident)(2) end

then the second ident has type int->int and the first ident has type (int->int)->(int->int). The type inference algorithm will find by checking the declaration of ident that it has some type 'X->'X for a type variable 'X that is used nowhere else in the program (the type checker can tell this by looking in the type environment to see whether 'X appears there). At each use of ident, it replaces 'X with new type variables (say, 'Y and 'Z respectively). This decoupling permits them to be solved independently, as desired, to obtain 'Y = (int->int)->(int->int) and 'Z=int->int.

Below is some code that implements type inference with let-polymorphism. There are a few changes from the simple type inference just given. The environment no longer maps identifiers to types; it maps them to type schemas. A type schema is a type along with a list of type variables that can be substituted differently at every use of the identifier. In declcheck, the types that are determined for variables are abstracted by schema to construct type schemas. Then, when type-checking an identifier, the instantiate function is used to replace all the type parameters identified by schema with fresh type variables.

(* Let-polymorphism: type inference and polymorphism ala SML *)

type type_ = Type'.type_
type typeVar = type_ option ref * int
type typeSchema = type_ * (typeVar list)

(* An environment now bind a variable to a type schema rather
 * than to just a type. *)
type env = typeSchema Env.env

(* Union of l1 and l2 considered as sets.
   Requires: l1 and l2 contain no duplicates *)
fun union(l1: typeVar list,l2: typeVar list): typeVar list =
  foldl (fn (r,l) =>
         if List.exists(fn(r') => r=r') l then l else r::l)
  l1 l2

(* Difference of l1 and l2 considered as sets.
   Requires: l1 and l2 contain no duplicates *)
fun diff(l1,l2): typeVar list =
  List.filter (fn(r) => not (List.exists(fn(r') => r=r') l2)) l1

(* All unsolved type variables in t. *)
fun unsolved(t: Type'.type_): typeVar list =
  case t
    of Type'.Int => nil | Type'.Bool => nil
     | Type'.Arrow(t1,t2) => union(unsolved(t1), unsolved(t2))
     | Type'.Pair(t1, t2) => union(unsolved(t1), unsolved(t2))
     | Type'.TypeVar(r,nm) => (case !r
                    of NONE => [(r,nm)]
                     | SOME(t) => unsolved(t))

(* All unsolved type variables mentioned in the type environment. This
 * implementation is not very efficient! *)
fun envUnsolved(r: env): typeVar list =
  foldl (fn((x,(t,tvs)),l0) =>
         let val l1 = unsolved(t) in
         end) nil r

(* Given an environment r, produce a schema for t that identifies
 * all the new type variables in t, which can be arbitrarily
 * substituted for. *)
fun schema(t: type_, r: env): typeSchema =
    val uv = unsolved(t)
    val ev = envUnsolved(r)
    val uv' = diff(uv,ev)
    (t, uv')

(* A type just like t except that every type variable in tvs has
 * been consistently replaced by a fresh type variable. *)
fun instantiate(t: type_, tvs: typeVar list): type_ =
    val tm = foldl (fn (tv: typeVar, tm: (typeVar*type_) list) =>
                    (tv, Type'.freshTypeVar())::tm) nil tvs
    fun instVar(tv: typeVar, tm: (typeVar*type_) list): type_ =
      case tm of nil => Type'.TypeVar(tv)
    | (tv1, tv2)::tm' => if (tv1 = tv) then tv2 else instVar(tv,tm')
    fun inst(t: type_) =
      case t of
        Type'.Int => t | Type'.Bool => t
      | Type'.Arrow(t1,t2) => Type'.Arrow(inst(t1), inst(t2))
      | Type'.Pair(t1,t2) => Type'.Pair(inst(t1), inst(t2))
      | Type'.TypeVar(tv) => instVar(tv, tm)

(* tcheck(r,e) is the type of e in type environment r.
 * Raises Fail if the expression e does not type-check. *)
fun tcheck(r: env, e: expr):type_ =
  case e of
    Var(x) => instantiate(Env.lookup(r, x)) (* instantiate schema here *)
  | True => Type'.Bool
  | False => Type'.Bool
  | IntConst(n) => Type'.Int
  | Let(d,e) => tcheck(foldl declcheck r d, e)
  | If(e1, e2, e3) =>
      let val t2 = tcheck(r, e2)
          val t3 = tcheck(r, e3)
        Type'.unify(Type'.Bool, tcheck(r, e1));
  | Op(e1,e2) => (Type'.unify(tcheck(r,e1), Type'.Int);
                  Type'.unify(tcheck(r,e2), Type'.Int);
  | Fun(x,e) =>
      let val t = Type'.freshTypeVar()
        val ts = (t, []) (* no polymorphism inside the -> *)
        Type'.Arrow(t, tcheck(Env.update(r,x,ts), e))
  | Apply(e1, e2) => (case tcheck(r, e1)
                       of Type'.Arrow(t1, t2) =>
                         (Type'.unify(t1, tcheck(r, e2)); t2)
                        | _ => raise Fail("wrong arg type"))
  | Pair(e1,e2) => Type'.Pair(tcheck(r, e1), tcheck(r, e2))
  | Select(i, e) => let val t1 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
                        val t2 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
    in Type'.unify(Type'.Pair(t1,t2), tcheck(r, e));
      (case i
         of 1 => t1
          | 2 => t2
          | _ => raise Fail("Illegal index"))
  (* The environment r extended with the declaration d.
   * Raises Fail if the declaration d does not
   * type-check. *)
  declcheck(d: decl, r:env):env =
  case d of
    VarDecl(x,e) =>
      Env.update(r, x, schema(tcheck(r, e), r)) (* generate schema here *)
  | FunDecl(f,x,e) =>
        val t1 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
        val t2 = Type'.freshTypeVar()
        val tf = Type'.Arrow(t1,t2)
        val r' = Env.update(r,f,(tf,[]))
        val r'' = Env.update(r',x,(t1,[]))
        val te = tcheck(r'', e)
        Type'.unify(te, t2);
        Env.update(r, f, schema(tf,r)) (* generate schema here *)

val ident = Fun("x", Var("x"))

(* let fun f(x) = x in f(2) + (f f)(3) end *)
val e1 = Let([FunDecl("f", "x", Var("x"))],
  Op(Apply(Var("f"), IntConst(2)),
     Apply(Apply(Var("f"), Var("f")), IntConst(3))))