CS312 Sample Exams

Note: The material that we cover and the order in which we cover the material change from semester to semester, so the sample prelims may not cover the same material as we are covering this semester. They are there to give you some practice and to give you an idea of what exam questions have looked like in the past.

Prelim 1

Prelim 1, Fall 2000 (solutions)

Prelim 1, Spring 2001 (no solutions available)

Prelim 1, Fall 2001 (solutions)

Prelim 1, Spring 2002 (solutions)

Prelim 2, Fall 2000 (solutions)

Prelim 2, Spring 2001 (no solutions available)

Prelim 2, Fall 2001 (solutions)

Prelim 2, Spring 2002 (solutions)

Final, Fall 2000 (no solutions available)

Final, Spring 2001 (no solutions available)

Final, Fall 2001 (no solutions available)

Final, Spring 2002 (solutions)