# Interpreters In lecture we saw how to write an interpreter, assuming that the AST was provided to us. Producing an AST from a text file is the job of the lexer and parser. In this lab, we'll see how to build a lexer and parser in OCaml. And we'll extend our interpreter to handle some new language features. ## Parsing in OCaml You could build your own lexer and parser from scratch. But many languages include tools for automatically generating lexers and parsers from formal descriptions of the syntax of a language. The ancestors of many of those tools are [lex][lex] and [yacc][yacc], which generate lexers and parsers, respectively; lex and yacc were developed in the 1970s for C. As part of the standard distribution, OCaml provides lexer and parser generators named [ocamllex and ocamlyacc][ocamllexyacc]. There is a more modern parser generator named [menhir][menhir] available through opam; menhir is "90% compatible" with ocamlyacc and provides significantly improved support for debugging generated parsers. [Chapter 16 of RWO][rwo16] has a tutorial on ocamllex and menhir. [lex]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lex_(software) [yacc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacc [ocamllexyacc]: http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/lexyacc.html [menhir]: http://gallium.inria.fr/~fpottier/menhir/ [rwo16]: https://realworldocaml.org/v1/en/html/parsing-with-ocamllex-and-menhir.html To get started with this lab, make sure you have menhir installed: ``` $ opam install menhir ``` ## Part 1: Explore the base code We provide some [base code][basecode] for this lab. Download it. The base code completes the *substitution-model* interpreter we wrote in lecture by adding parsing and lexing. Recall, the language that interpreter implements is a simple arithmetic expression language with integers, addition, and let expressions. The [Backus-Naur Form][bnf] (BNF) description of that language is as follows: ``` e ::= x (* variables *) | i (* integers *) | e1 + e2 (* addition *) | let x = e1 in e2 (* let expressions *) ``` [bnf]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backus%E2%80%93Naur_Form [basecode]: rec-code.zip You'll find six files in the base code archive: * `ast.ml`: The variant type for the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the expression language. **Exercise: [&#10029;]** Open and read that file now to remind yourself how the AST is defined. &square; * `main.ml`: The interpreter for the expression language. The first three functions in this file, `subst`, `step`, and `eval` should be familiar. **Exercise: [&#10029;]** Re-read those three functions now to remind yourself how the *small-step semantics* works: `step` causes an expression to take a single, small step of execution, and `eval` takes as many steps as possible. &square; The remaining functions in the file are new: * `parser.mly`: The input file to menhir. It describes the syntax of the expression language; we'll discuss it below. * `lexer.mll`: The input file to ocamllex. It describes the tokens of the expression language; we'll discuss it below. * `test.ml`: An OUnit test suite. * `.ocamlinit`: An initialization file to cause utop to make the functions defined in `main.ml` available for use. ### Compiling and running To compile the interpreter and run the unit test suite, run `make`. If you open the Makefile you'll notice we're passing a new flag `-use-menhir` to `ocamlbuild`, which directs the build system to use menhir instead of ocamlyacc. To experiment with the interpreter interactively, first run `make`, then launch the toplevel. Because of the `.ocamlinit` we provided, there are already two functions available for your use: ``` (* [parse s] is the AST corresponding to the concrete syntax of expression [s]. *) val parse : string -> expr (* [interp s] parses the string [s] into an AST, interprets the AST, and yields the resulting integer value. *) val interp : string -> int ``` ##### Exercise: warmup [&#10029;&#10029;] Evaluate the following expressions in the toplevel. Note what each returns. * `parse "22"` * `interp "22"` * `parse "1+2+3"` * `interp "1+2+3"` * `parse "let x = 2 in 20+x"` * `interp "let x = 2 in 20+x"` Also evaluate these expressions, which will raise exceptions. Explain why each one is an error, and where during the interpretation process the error occurs. * `interp "3.14"` * `interp "3+"` * `interp "(let x = 2 in 20)+x"` &square; ### The parser and lexer Read the `parse` function in `main.ml`: ``` (* Parse a string into an ast *) let parse s = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in let ast = Parser.prog Lexer.read lexbuf in ast ``` This function takes a string `s` and uses the standard library's `Lexing` module to create a *lexer buffer* from it. Think of that buffer as the token stream that we discussed in lecture. The function then lexes and parses the string into an AST, using `Lexer.read` and `Parser.prog`. The `Lexer` and `Parser` modules are code that is generated automatically during the compilation process by ocamllex and menhir: * ocamllex produces `lexer.ml` from input file `lexer.mll`. * menhir produces `parser.ml` from input file `parser.mly`. ##### Exercise: parser.mly [&#10029;&#10029;] * Read the `parser.mly` file. That file gives a *grammar definition* for the expression language. Read the comments in the file. * Compare the `expr` rule in `parser.mly` to the BNF given above for the expression language. How are they the same? How are they different? * Open `_build/parser.ml`, which is the module generated automatically by menhir from `parser.mly`. Skim through the file to appreciate not having to write the parser yourself. &square; ##### Exercise: lexer.mll [&#10029;&#10029;] * Read the `lexer.mll` file. That file gives a *lexer definition* for the expression language. Read the comments in the file carefully. * Examine the definition of the `id` regular expression. Identify at least one way in which it differs from the definition of OCaml identifiers. * Open `_build/lexer.ml`, which is the module generated automatically by ocamllex from `lexer.mll`. Skim through the file to appreciate not having to write the lexer yourself. &square; ## Part 2: Multiplication In this part of the lab, we'll add multiplication to the expression language. The new BNF is as follows: ``` e ::= x (* variables *) | i (* integers *) | e1 + e2 (* addition *) | e1 * e2 (* multiplication *) | let x = e1 in e2 (* let expressions *) ``` ### Exercise: multiplication [&#10029;&#10029;] Follow the next five steps to add multiplication to your interpreter. **Step 1 (AST):** Add the following line to the definition of the `expr` type in `ast.ml`: ``` | Mult of expr*expr ``` Recompile the code. You should get two compiler warnings about inexhaustive pattern matching. The compiler is telling you that the implementations of `subst` and `step` are now incomplete, because they don't handle the new AST node. **Step 2 (Evaluation):** Add the following pattern to the false branch of the `is_value` function in `main.ml`: ``` ... | Mult _ | ... ``` Add the following line to the definition of `subst` in `main.ml`: ``` | Mult(el,er) -> Mult(subst el v x, subst er v x) ``` Add the following lines to the definition of `step` in `main.ml`: ``` | Mult(Int n1, Int n2) -> Int (n1*n2) | Mult(Int n1, e2) -> Mult(Int n1, step e2) | Mult(e1,e2) -> Mult(step e1, e2) ``` Recompile the code. You should no longer get any compiler warnings. The evaluation part of your interpreter is finished, but you stil need to extend the parser to handle multiplication. **Step 3 (Parsing):** Add the following line to the declarations section of `parser.mly`: ``` %token TIMES ``` Add the following line to the precedence and associativity section of `parser.mly`: ``` %left TIMES ``` It must be the next line after `PLUS` in that section. That's because multiplication has higher precedence than addition&mdash;i.e., `1+2*3` should be parsed as `1+(2*3)`, not as `(1+2)*3`. Add the following production to the `expr` rule: ``` | e1 = expr; TIMES; e2 = expr { Mult(e1,e2) } ``` Recompile the code. You should not receive any errors or warnings. **Step 4 (Lexing):** Add the following line to the `read` rule in `lexer.mll`: ``` | "*" { TIMES } ``` Recompile the code. You should not receive any errors or warnings. **Step 5 (Testing):** Add unit tests for the following expressions to `test.ml`: * `2 * 11` * `2+2*10` * `2*2+10` * `2*2*10` Run `make test`. You've successfully added multiplication to the interpreter! &square; ##### Exercise: operator parsing [&#10029;&#10029;, optional] You declared the `TIMES` token as having higher precedence than `PLUS`, and as being left associative. Let's experiment with other choices. * Evaluate `parse "1*2*3"` with your current interpreter. Note the AST. Now change the declaration of the associativity of `TIMES` in `parser.mly` to be `%right` instead of `%left`. Recompile and reevaluate `parse "1*2*3"`. How did the AST change? Before moving on, restore the declaration to be `%left`. * Evaluate `parse "1+2*3"` with your current interpreter. Note the AST. Now swap the declaration `%left TIMES` in `parser.mly` with the declaration `%left PLUS`. Recompile and reevaluate `parse "1+2*3"`. How did the AST change? Before moving on, restore the original declaration order. &square; ## Part 3: If expressions Finally, we'll add `if` expressions, Booleans, and a comparison operator to the expression language. The new BNF is as follows: ``` e ::= x (* variables *) | i (* integers *) | b (* Booleans *) | e1 + e2 (* addition *) | e1 * e2 (* multiplication *) | e1 <= e2 (* less than or equal *) | let x = e1 in e2 (* let expressions *) | if e1 then e2 else e3 (* if expressions *) ``` ### Exercise: if expressions [&#10029;&#10029;&#10029;&#10029;] Follow the next five steps to extend your interpreter. The instructions are deliberately less precise than in the previous part of the lab. **Step 1 (AST):** Extend your AST type to include three new kinds of nodes: Boolean values, the `<=` operator, and `if` expressions. Also add the following definition to `ast.ml`: ``` type value = | VInt of int | VBool of bool ``` We will need this definition in the next step, because there is now more than one type of value in the language. **Step 2 (Evaluation):** Add code to the definitions of `is_value`, `subst`, `step`, and `extract_value` to handle the three new kinds of AST nodes. To handle Boolean values, change `extract_value` as follows: ``` let extract_value = function | Int i -> VInt i | Bool b -> VBool b (* NEW *) | _ -> failwith "Not a value" ``` **Step 3 (Parsing):** Declare six new tokens in `parser.mly`: `TRUE`, `FALSE`, `LEQ`, `IF`, `THEN`, and `ELSE`. Change the precedence and associativity section to declare `ELSE` as nonassociative. The precedence from least to greatest should be `IN`, `ELSE`, `LEQ`, `PLUS`, `TIMES`. You can see that OCaml uses a similar precedence and associativity by looking at the table [immediately above section 6.7.1 of the OCaml manual][man-6.7.1]. [man-6.7.1]: http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/expr.html#sec116 **Step 4 (Lexing):** Add six new lines to `lexer.mll` for the six new tokens. Make sure they all appear before the line that lexes `ID`, otherwise the five new keywords (`true`, `false`, `if`, `then`, and `else`) would be considered identifiers rather than keywords. **Step 5 (Testing):** Modify the existing test cases in `main.ml` to expect `VInt`. Add new test cases for the extended language. Here are some suggestions: * `if true then 22 else 0` * `true` * `1<=1` * `if 1+2 <= 3+4 then 22 else 0` * `if 1+2 <= 3*4 then let x = 22 in x else 0` * `let x = 1+2 <= 3*4 in if x then 22 else 0` &square; ## Part 4: Binary operators ##### Exercise: binop [&#10029;&#10029;&#10029;&#10029;, advanced] You now have three binary operators in the language. The code implementing them in `subst` and `step` is highly repetetive. Fix that inelegance by having a single AST node, `Binop`, that unifies all three. See how much repetetive code you can eliminate. It might help to introduce some additional types or functions. &square;