Module Unify

module Unify: sig .. end
Unify contains all of the machinery required to do unification. The unification algorithm outlined in this module is used for the final step of the type inference phase of the interpreter. The unification algorithm is outlined in the lecture notes. You may search the internet for a description of or psuedocode for unification. You are responsible for implementing unification in OCaml, but may use outside resources to help you better understand what the algorithm does and/or why it works.

val occurs : -> Ast.typ -> bool
The occurs function is used to figure out if a given identifier occurs within a given type. This check must be used in order to prevent cyclic type definitions.
val subst : Ast.typ -> -> Ast.typ -> Ast.typ
subst t x t' substitutes the type t for all occurences of the type variable x in type t'.
val apply : Ast.substitution -> Ast.typ -> Ast.typ
apply s t applies the substitution s to the type t, right to left.
val unify : Ast.constr list -> Ast.substitution
The unify function takes a list of constraints and finds a substitution that satisfies all of the constraints. The solution output should be the most general unifier for the list of constraints: output a minimal singleton substitution set or assert that the input is unsolvable.