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Lecture Notes

The notes linked below are required reading, but they are not a substitute for attending lecture and recitation. The lectures and recitation sections are tightly coupled: Lectures will assume knowledge from previous sections, and vice-versa. These notes should be read sequentially (Monday's section, Tuesday's lecture, Wednesday's section, Thursday's lecture, etc.).

Lecture topics and assignment due dates are subject to change.

Introduction to Functional Programming
8/23 Lecture 1 Course overview and background on OCaml [Slides
8/23 PS 1 issued [PS 1
8/23 OCaml demo 7–9pm Upson B7
8/24 OCaml demo 7–9pm Upson B7
8/27 Recitation 1 Introduction to OCaml syntax [Notes] [Slides
8/28 Lecture 2 OCaml syntax and evaluation [Notes
8/29 Recitation 2 Tuples, records, and pattern matching [Notes] [Slides] [Code
8/30 Lecture 3 Lexical scope [Notes
9/3 Recitation 3 Labor day; no class
9/4 Lecture 4 Guest Lecture: Currying, Induction by Nate Foster
9/5 Recitation 3 Higher-order functions, anonymous functions, currying, side effects, printing, exceptions [Notes
9/6 Lecture 5 Quiz 1; Induction [Notes
9/6 PS1 due at 11:59PM; PS2 issued (due 9/20) [PS2
9/10 Recitation 4 Folding and tail recursion [Notes
Data Structures and Programming Models
9/11 Lecture 6 Parameterized types, map, and fold [Notes
9/10 Recitation 5 Pattern-matching pitfalls, more parameterized types [Notes
9/13 Lecture 7 Substitution Model [Notes
9/17 Recitation 6 More on the substitution model [Notes
9/18 Lecture 8 Inductive proofs of program correctness [Notes
9/19 Recitation 7 Inductive proofs of program correctness [Notes
9/20 Lecture 9 Shortest paths [Notes
9/20 PS2 due; PS3 issued [PS3
9/24 Recitation 8 Dijkstra's Algorithm
9/25 Lecture 10 Modules
9/26 Recitation 9 Modules [Notes
9/27 Lecture 11 Tries [Notes
10/1 Recitation 10 Prelim review
10/2 Lecture 12 Red-black trees [Notes
10/2 Prelim Exam 7:30–9 pm, Thurston Hall 203/205
10/3 Recitation 11 Prelim debrief
Concurrency and Side Effects
10/4 Lecture 13 Streams and Lazy Evaluation [Notes
10/4 PS3 due; PS4 issued [PS4
10/10 Recitation 12 Refs, more side effects in OCaml [Notes
10/11 Lecture 14 Guest Lecture: Nate Foster [Notes
10/15 Recitation 13 Environment Model [Notes
10/16 Lecture 15 Concurrent Programming [Notes
10/17 Recitation 14 Disjoint Sets [Notes] [Code
10/18 Lecture 16 Guest Lecture: Yaron Minsky [Effective OCaml
10/18 PS4 due; PS5 issued [PS5
10/22 Recitation 15 PS5 overview
10/23 Lecture 17 Concurrent Programming [Notes
10/24 Recitation 16 Threads, Condition Variables [Notes
10/25 Lecture 18 Hashing [Notes] [Botelho] [Cichelli] [CMU
Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms
10/29 Recitation 17 Basics complexity, recurrences [Notes
10/30 Lecture 19 Amortized Analysis [Notes
10/31 Recitation 18 Master Method [Notes] [Proof of Master Method
11/1 Lecture 20 Locality [Notes
11/5 Recitation 19 Prelim 2 Review
11/6 Lecture 21 B Trees [Notes
11/7 Recitation 20 Splay Trees & B Trees [Splay Trees] [Code] [B-Trees
11/8 Lecture 22 Garbage Collection [Notes
11/8 PS5 due; PS6 issued [PS6
11/12 Recitation 21 CPS, PS6 overview [Notes
11/13 Lecture 23 Abstraction & Verification [Notes
11/13 Prelim Exam 7:30–9 pm, Upson B17
Other Topics
11/14 Recitation 22 Prelim debrief, PS6 overview
11/15 Lecture 24 The Lambda Calculus [Notes
11/19 Recitation 23 Lambda Calculus Encodings [Notes
11/20 Lecture 25 Guest lecture by Ross Tate
11/26 Recitation 24 Amorized Analysis Review [Notes
11/27 Lecture 26 Big Data [Notes
11/28 Recitation 25 Combinators, final review
11/29 Lecture 27 Computability [Notes
11/30 PS6 due
12/5 Final Exam, 7–9:30 pm, 305 Ives