Problem Set 5: MapReduce

Due Thursday April 14, 2011, 11:59pm

Note: Don't change the mli files!



Part 1: MapReduce (60 points)

In this problem set, you will be implementing a simplified version of Google's MapReduce. Prior to starting this problem set, you should read the short paper on MapReduce to familiarize yourself with the basic MapReduce architecture. This writeup will assume that you have read sections 1–3.1 of that paper.


Map and Reduce Functions

The map and reduce functions have the following OCaml types:

val map : 'a -> 'b -> ('c * 'd) list  
val reduce : 'c -> 'd list -> 'e list

These functions will be computed in a distributed fashion by several agents running concurrently. The agents communicate with each other using a messaging protocol defined in shared/ However, that protocol only allows for the transmission of strings, so you must use OCaml's built-in marshalling and unmarshalling facilities to transmit values of different types. We will explain this more thoroughly below.

For a given MapReduce application foo, the application-specific code is stored in the directory apps/foo/. The code for the mappers is in apps/foo/ and the code for the reducers is in apps/foo/ There is also a controller in the file apps/foo/ to handle the initialization of and communication with the mappers and reducers, reading inputs, and printing results.

The mappers and reducers receive their input by calling Program.get_input and communicate their results by calling Program.set_output. The specific mechanisms for these operations are described below.

Basic Execution

Execution is divided into five phases:

  1. Pre-Map:

    controller.exe is invoked with the name of a MapReduce application on the command line along with other application-specific information (e.g., input file name, any other parameters as required by the application). This information is passed to main method of the controller in the application directory. This method reads the data from the input file and parses it into a list of (key, value) pairs to provide as input to the mappers. It then connects to worker servers and initializes mappers on these servers.

  2. Map

    The controller sends each (key, value) pair to an available mapper. The mapper calculates the mapping function on this (key, value) pair, resulting in a list of (key, value) pairs (the types of the input and output do not have to be the same). The resulting list of (key, value) pairs is sent back to the controller. The controller continues to send inputs to the next available mapper until all pairs have been mapped.

  3. Combine

    For each key produced by the mappers, all of its corresponding values are collected into a single list, resulting in a (key, value list) pair for that key.

  4. Reduce

    The controller connects to worker servers and initializes reducers on these servers. The (key, value list) pairs produced in the Combine phase are then sent to available reducers. The reducers perform the reduce operation and send the results back to the controller. This continues until all input has been reduced.

  5. Post-Reduce

    The controller collects the results of the Reduce phase and outputs them in some manner.

Client Execution Example

Consider the canonical MapReduce example of counting the number of occurrences of each word in a set of documents. The input is a set of (document id, contents) pairs. In the Map phase, each word that occurs in the contents of a file is mapped to the pair (word, "1"), indicating that the word has been seen once. In the Combine phase, all pairs with the same first component are collected to form the pair (word, ["1"; "1"; ...; "1"]), one such pair for each word. Then in the Reduce phase, for each word, the list of ones is summed to determine the number of occurrences of that word.

For simplicity, our framework accepts only a single data file containing all the input documents. Each document is represented in the input file as a (id, document name, contents) triple. See data/reuters.txt or the shorter files data/test1.txt or data/test2.txt for an example of the formatting. Document files can be loaded and parsed by calling Util.load and passing it Map_reduce.convert. The dataset data/reuters.txt is a collection of Reuters articles from the 1980's.

We have included a full implementation of this application in apps/word_count. Here is a detailed explanation of the sequence of events.

  1. The controller application is started using the command controller.exe word_count filename. It immediately calls the main method of apps/word_count/, passing it the argument list. The main method calls controller/Map_reduce.map_reduce, which is common controller code for performing a simple one-phase MapReduce on documents. Other more involved applications have their own controller code.
  2. The documents in filename are read in and parsed using Util.load, passing it the parsing method controller/Map_reduce/convert, which splits the collection of documents into {id; title; contents} triples.
  3. The controller calls kv_pairs "" "apps/word_count/". The second argument represents shared data that is accessible to all mappers in addition to their input (key, value) pair. For this application, there is no shared data, so this argument is the empty string. In general, the shared data can be accessed by a mapper using Program.get_shared_data().
  4. initializes a mapper worker manager using Worker_manager.initialize_mappers "apps/word_count/" "". The Worker_manager loads in the list of available workers from the file named addresses. Each line of this file contains a worker address of the form ip_address:port_number. Each of these workers is sent the mapper code. The worker creates a mapper with that code and and sends back the id of the resulting mapper. This id is combined with the address of the worker to uniquely identify that mapper. If certain workers are unavailable, this function will report this fact, but will continue to run successfully.
  5. then sends individual unmapped (id, contents) pairs to available mappers until it has received results for all pairs. Free mappers are obtained using Worker_manager.pop_worker(). Mappers should be released once their results have been received using Worker_manager.push_worker. Read controller/worker_manager.mli for more complete documentation. Once all (id, contents) pairs have been mapped, the new list of (word, "1") pairs is returned.
  6. Map_reduce.map_reduce receives the results of the mapping. If desired, Util.print_map_results can be called here to display the results of the Map phase for debugging purposes.
  7. The list of (word, "1") pairs is then combined into (word, ["1"; ...; "1"]) pairs for each word by calling Map_reduce.combine. The results can be displayed using Util.print_combine_results.
  8. Map_reduce.reduce is then called with the results of Map_reduce.combine, along with the (empty) shared data string and the name of the reducer file apps/word_count/
  9. Map_reduce.reduce initializes the reducer worker manager by calling the appropriate Worker_manager function, which retrieves worker addresses in the same manner as for mappers.
  10. Map_reduce.reduce then sends the unreduced (word, count list) pairs to available reducers until it has received results for all input. This is performed in essentially the same manner as the map phase. When all pairs have been reduced, the new list of (word, count) tuples is returned. In this application, because the key value doesn't change, Worker_manager.reduce and the reduce workers only calculate and return the new value (in this case, count), but don't return the key (in this case, word).
  11. The results are returned to the main method of, which displays them using Util.print_reduce_results.

Worker Execution Example

  1. Multiple workers can be run from the same directory as long as they listen on different ports. A worker server is started using worker_server.exe port_number, where port_number is the port the worker listens on.
  2. Worker_server receives a connection and spawns a thread, which calls Worker.handle_request to handle it.
  3. Worker.handle_request determines the request type. If it is an initialization request, then the new mapper or reducer is built using, which returns either the new worker id or the compilation error. See worker_server/ for more complete documentation. If it is a map or reduce request, the worker id is verified as referencing a valid mapper or reducer, respectively. If the id is valid, then is called with that id and the provided input. This runs the relevant worker, which receives its input by calling Program.get_input(). Once the worker terminates, having set its output using Program.set_output, these results are returned by If the request is invalid, then the appropriate error message, as defined in shared/, is prepared.
  4. Once the results of either the build or map/reduce are completed, then Worker.send_response is called, which is responsible for sending the result back to the client. If the response is sent successfully, then Worker.handle_request simply recurses, otherwise it returns unit.

Code Structure

In this section we describe the organization of the MapReduce code.



Communication Protocol

The protocol that the controller application and the workers use to communicate is stored in shared/




Only string data can be communicated between agents. Values can be converted to and from strings explicitly using Util.marshal, which calls the OCaml built-in Marshal.to_string, and Util.unmarshal, which calls Marshal.from_string. You can send strings via communication channels without marshalling, but other values need to be marshalled. Your mapper or reducer must also convert the input it receives from strings back to the appropriate type it can operate on, and once it has finished, it needs to convert its output into strings to communicate it back.

Note that marshalling is not type safe. If you unmarshal a string and treat it as a value of any type other than the type it was marshalled as, your program will most likely crash. You should therefore take particular care that the types match when marshalling/unmarshalling. Make sure that the type of marshalled input sent to your mapper matches the type that the mapper expects, and that the type of the marshalled results that the mapper sends back matches the type expected. The same is true for reducers using the reducer messages. You can still retrieve the type information by matching on the retrieved value.

Your Tasks

All code you submit must adhere to the specifications defined in the respective .mli files.

You must implement functions in the following files:

Building and running your code

We have provided a Makefile and a build script build.bat that you can use to build your project.


If you would like to define additional modules, please add them to the appropriate build.bat file or Makefile.

Part 2: Using MapReduce (30 points)

You will use the simplified MapReduce that you created in part 1 to implement three applications: inverted_index, page_rank, and apm (A Perfect Matching, our CS 3110 dating service).

Each application will require a mapper apps/xxx/ and reducer apps/xxx/, where xxx is the name of the application, as well as a controller apps/xxx/ We have supplied full implementations of a simple application word_count and a more involved application kmeans from a previous semester as models.

Inverted Index (5 points)

An inverted index is a mapping from words to the documents in which they appear. For example, if these were your documents:

Document 1:

OCaml map reduce

Document 2:
fold filter ocaml
The inverted index would look like this:
ocaml1 2
map 1
reduce 1
fold 2
filter 2


To implement this application, you should take a dataset of documents (such as data/reuters.txt) as input and use MapReduce to produce an inverted index. This can be done in a way very similar to word_count. In particular, you can use Map_reduce.map_reduce. Print your final results using Util.print_reduce_results.

Your mapper and reducer code should go in apps/inverted_index/ and apps/inverted_index/, respectively, and your controller code should go in apps/inverted_index/

Simplified PageRank (10 points)

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm used by Google to weight the importance of different websites on the Internet. You will be implementing a very simplified, iterative version of PageRank. We have supplied the mapper and reducer and part of the controller, but you have to write the rest. The supplied method convert can be used with Util.load to load and parse the contents of a data file data/websites.txt containing a list of simulated websites, and print_page_ranks can be used to display the final results.

To begin, we initialize each website with PageRank of 1/n, where n is the total number of websites. Each step of the iteration has two parts: For each website, we divide its PageRank by the number of links out of it, and send this to amount to each website linked to. Then, for all websites, we sum up all values being sent into it, thus obtaining a new PageRank for each website. The number of iterations is supplied on the command line.

For more details on simplified PageRank, see Section 14.3 in Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World by Cornell Professors David Easley and Jon Kleinberg.


Your job is to implement the function main in apps/page_rank/ This function takes the filename of a dataset and a number of iterations as command-line arguments.

In order to simulate websites, we have defined a new type, website. Each line is of the format pageid@pagetitle@links. The field links is of the form out1,out2,...,outm, where each outi is the pageid of a link out of the page. The file data/websites.txt contains the same example as on pages 407 and 408 of the Networks book draft linked above.

After performing PageRank for the specified number of iterations, you should print the final results using the supplied function.

A Perfect Matching (15 points)

In this part, you will implement the application apm, a simple dating service. There are some randomly generated profiles of fictional people seeking partners for a romantic relationship in the files data/profiles.txt (long) and data/test_profiles.txt (shorter). The type of a profile is Apm.profile. We have supplied code in apps/apm/ for parsing the data files and printing the results.


This application takes several command-line arguments: the app name, the data file, the number of matches requested, and the first and last name of the client (let's call him Jeremiah), who should have a profile in the data file. The application should pair Jeremiah's profile with every other profile in the database and send these pairs to the mappers. For each pair, the mappers should compute a compatibility index, which is a float between 0. (perfectly incompatible) and 1. (perfectly compatible). We leave the details of this computation up to you. The compatibility index and pair of profiles are returned to the controller. Then the controller should combine everything into one list for Jeremiah and send it to a reducer, supplying the desired number of matches n as shared data. The reducer should return the top n matches from the list, which the controller should then print out using the supplied print methods.

Here is a sample run from our solution code.

Tpool destroy, still waiting for 93 threads.
Tpool destroy, still waiting for 55 threads.
Client: Jeremiah Sanford
  sex: M  age: 23  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  has children  does not want children
  prefers a female partner between the ages of 19 and 29
  likes classical music and sports

10 best matches:
Compatibility index: 0.691358
Katy Allen
  sex: F  age: 21  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  does not want children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 24
  likes country music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.691358
Corina Savage
  sex: F  age: 24  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  does not want children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 32
  likes country music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.691358
Jenifer Turner
  sex: F  age: 23  profession: unemployed
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  has children  wants children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 29
  likes classical music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.691358
Cassondra Donovan
  sex: F  age: 21  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  has children  wants children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 29
  likes classical music and movies
Compatibility index: 0.648148
Eboni Case
  sex: F  age: 32  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  wants children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 24 and 39
  likes classical music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.648148
Cinthia Gutierrez
  sex: F  age: 22  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  wants children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 26
  likes classical music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.648148
Chantel Wyatt
  sex: F  age: 21  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  wants children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 28
  likes rock music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.648148
Brooklyn Reese
  sex: F  age: 23  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  wants children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 28
  likes country music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.604938
Kandace Patton
  sex: F  age: 18  profession: trucker
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  does not want children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 18 and 27
  likes classical music and sports
Compatibility index: 0.518519
Marie Turner
  sex: F  age: 29  profession: lawyer
  nondrinker  nonsmoker
  no children  does not want children
  prefers a male partner between the ages of 21 and 35
  likes classical music and sports

Note that for the above applications, your MapReduce code will probably run a lot slower than a non-MapReduce implementation of the same algorithm. This slowdown is due to the fact that there is a lot of overhead and the simplified MapReduce framework is not very well optimized. Performance gains are only realized when doing this on a massive scale.

To submit

Simply zip up and submit your entire ps5 folder.

Part 3: Source Control (3 points)

You are required to use a source control system like CVS or SVN. Submit the log file that describes your activity. We will provided you with an SVN repository, hosted by CSUG.

For information on how to get started with SVN there, read Using Subversion in the CSUGLab.

Note: Your repository name is cs3110_<netid(s)>. For example, cs3110_njl36, or if you have a partner: cs3110_dck10_njl36. Notice that the netids of groups are in alphabetical order. This repository name is what you put in place of project1 in the directions in the provided link.

If you use Windows, and are unfamiliar with the command line or Cygwin, there is a GUI based SVN client called Tortoise SVN that provides convenient context menu access to your repo.

For Debian/Ubuntu, a GUI-based solution to explore would be Rapid SVN. To install:

apt-get install rapidsvn

Mac users looking into a front-end can try SC Plugin, which claims to provide similar functionality to Tortoise. Rapid SVN might work as well.

There is also a plug-in for Eclipse called Subclipse that integrates everything for you nicely.

Note that all of these options are simply graphically based alternatives to the extremely powerful terminal commands, and are by no means necessary to successfully utilize version control.

Part 4: Design Review Meeting (7 points)

We will be holding 15-minute design review meetings. Your group is expected to meet with one of the TAs or the instructor during their office hours, or with consultants during consulting hours. A sign-up schedule is available on CMS. You should be able to explain your design in about 10 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for questions. It's a good idea to practice your presentation ahead of time so you use your time effectively.

Your design review should focus on your approach to Part 1, however time permitting you may spend a few minutes at the end on Part 2.

In your design review, plan to talk about at least:

Karma: A More Perfect Matching

Our dating service is rather primitive. For extra karma, feel free to enhance it any way you like to make it more realistic. We have posted the code we used to generate the random profiles, which you may modify to your liking. You will find in there a file resources/categories.txt, which defines the categories recorded in a profile, along with a probability distribution for each category used for random generation. For example, one category is

height: short 25, average 50, tall 25
which means that 25% of people are short, 50% are average height, and 25% are tall. The set of categories and alternatives for each category are rather limited, and the probability weightings are just guesses. You may change these any way you like or add new categories. Please note that if you do this, there are also several things in the apm application that must also be changed (e.g., the type definition Apm.profile, among others).

Right now the apm application only takes one client on the command line. Thus only one reducer is needed to handle that client. You might wish to modify the controller to allow multiple clients, which would make better use of the reducers. The names of the clients should be read in from a file whose filename is specified on the command line. In case a client is not found in the database, the application should not give up, but should give a warning and handle the other clients.

Just for your information, the lists of first names we used are the 1000 most popular boys' and girls' names in the US in 1991, around the time many of you were born. The last names are the 1000 most frequent last names in the US from the last census, along with their frequencies.