(* Simple type polymorphism *)

(* The hard way *)
let swapInt ((x : int), (y : int)) : int * int = (y, x)
let swapReal ((x : float), (y : float)) : float * float = (y, x)
let swapString ((x : string), (y : string)) : string * string = (y, x)

(* Even worse *)
let swapIntReal ((x : int), (y : float)) : float * int = (y, x)
let swapRealInt ((x : float), (y : int)) : int * float = (y, x)

let swap ((x : 'a), (y : 'b)) : 'b * 'a = (y, x)
(* val swap : 'a * 'b -> 'b * 'a = <fun> *)

(* Can't use any info about type variable that identifies its type *)

let appendToString ((x : 'a), (s : string), (convert : 'a -> string)) : string =
    (convert x) ^ " " ^ s;;
(* val appendToString : 'a * string * ('a -> string) -> string = <fun> *)
appendToString (3110, "class", string_of_int);;
(* - : string = "3110 class" *)
appendToString ("ten", "twelve", fun (s : string) -> s ^ " past");;
(* - : string = "ten past twelve" *)


(* Variant types. Note that they need names. Constructors are capitalized *)

type answer = Yes | No | Maybe


(* Parameterized types *)

type eitherPoint = TwoD of float * float
                 | ThreeD of float * float * float

let lastTwoComponents (p : eitherPoint) : float * float =
    match p with
      TwoD (x, y) -> (x, y)
    | ThreeD (x, y, z) -> (y, z)


(* Recursive parameterized type *)

type intlist = Nil | Cons of (int * intlist)

(* Examples *)

let list1 = Nil                   (* the empty list: [] *)
let list2 = Cons (1, Nil)         (* the list containing just 1: [1] *)
let list3 = Cons (2, Cons(1,Nil)) (* the list [2; 1] *)
let list4 = Cons (2, list2)       (* also the list [2; 1] *)

(* the list [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] *)
let list5 = Cons (1, Cons (2, Cons (3, Cons (4, Cons (5, Nil)))))

(* the list [6; 7; 8; 9; 10] *)
let list6 = Cons (6, Cons (7, Cons (8, Cons (9, Cons (10, Nil)))))

(* Manipulate intlists *)

(* Returns the length of lst *)
let rec length(lst: intlist): int =
  match lst with
    Nil -> 0
  | Cons(h,t) -> length(t) + 1

(* test to see if the list is empty *)
let is_empty(xs:intlist):bool =
    match xs with
      Nil -> true
    | Cons(_,_) -> false


(* Working our way up to map *)

(* Here is a way to perform a function on each element
 * of a list.  We apply the function recursively.

let inc(x:int):int = x + 1
let square(x:int):int = x * x

(* Given [i1;i2;...;in], return [i1+1;i2+1;...;in+n] *)
let rec addone_to_all(list:intlist):intlist = 
    match list with
      Nil -> Nil
    | Cons(hd,tl) -> Cons(inc(hd), addone_to_all(tl))

(* Given [i1;i2;...;in], return [i1*i1;i2*i2;...;in*in] *)
let rec square_all(list:intlist):intlist = 
    match list with
      Nil -> Nil
    | Cons(hd,tl) -> Cons(square(hd), square_all(tl))

(* Here is a more general method. *)

(* Given a function f and [i1;...;in], return [f(i1);...;f(in)].
 * Notice how we factored out the common parts of addone_to_all
 * and square_all. *)
let rec do_function_to_all((f:int->int), (list:intlist)):intlist =
    match list with
      Nil -> Nil
    | Cons(hd,tl) -> Cons(f(hd), do_function_to_all(f,tl))

let addone_to_all(list:intlist):intlist =
    do_function_to_all(inc, list)

let square_all(list:intlist):intlist =
    do_function_to_all(square, list)

(* Even better: use anonymous functions. *)

let addone_to_all(list:intlist):intlist =
    do_function_to_all((fun(x) -> x+1), list)

let square_all(list:intlist):intlist =
    do_function_to_all((fun(x) -> x*x), list)


(* Working our way up to reduce *)

(* Say we want to compute the sum and product of integers
 * in a list. *)

(* Explicit versions *)
let rec sum(list:intlist):int =
    match list with
      Nil -> 0
    | Cons(hd,tl) -> hd + sum(tl)

let rec product(list:intlist):int =
    match list with
      Nil -> 1
    | Cons(hd,tl) -> hd * product(tl)

(* Better: use a general function collapse that takes an
 * operation and an identity element for that operation.

(* Given f, b, and [i1;i2;...;in], return f(i1,f(i2,...,f(in,b))).
 * Again, we factored out the common parts of sum and product. *)
let rec collapse((f:(int * int) -> int), (b:int), (list:intlist)):int =
    match list with
      Nil -> b
    | Cons(hd,tl) -> f(hd,collapse(f,b,tl))

(* Now we can define sum and product in terms of collapse *)
let sum(list:intlist):int =
    let add((i1:int),(i2:int)):int = i1 + i2

let product(list:intlist):int =
    let mul((i1:int),(i2:int)):int = i1 * i2

(* Here, we use anonymous functions instead of defining add and mul.
 * After all, what's the point of giving those functions names if all
 * we're going to do is pass them to collapse? *)
let sum(list:intlist):int =
    collapse((fun (i1,i2) -> i1+i2),0,list)

let product(list:intlist):int =
    collapse((fun (i1,i2) -> i1*i2),1,list)


(* Tree example with mutually recursive types *)

type inttree = Empty | Node of node
and node = { value: int; left: inttree; right: inttree }


 / \        Node {value=2; left=Node {value=1; left=Empty; right=Empty};
1   3                      right=Node {value=3; left=Empty; right=Empty}}


(* Return true if the tree contains x. *)
let rec search ((t: inttree), (x:int)): bool =
  match t with
      Empty -> false
    | Node {value=v; left=l; right=r} ->
        v = x || search (l, x) || search (r, x)


(* Define our own lists *)

type 'a list_ = Nil_ | Cons_ of ('a * 'a list_)

let rec mymap (f: 'a->'b) (x: 'a list_): 'b list_ = 
  match x with
      Nil_ -> Nil_
    | Cons_(h,t) -> Cons_(f(h), mymap f t)