CS 3110 Recitation 6
Modules, signatures & more functional examples

When we try to use OCaml to build larger programs, and particularly when the software is being developed by a team of programmers, more language features become handy. One such feature is the module, which is a collection of  types, values, and functions that are grouped together as one syntactic unit. A well designed module is reusable in many different programs. Modules also provide a good way to structure group development of software, because they make a convenient way to cut up the program and assign responsibilities to different programmers. Modules are even useful for sufficiently large single-person software projects, because they reduce the amount of information that the programmer needs to remember about the parts of the program that are not currently under development.  We've already been using modules when we write qualified identifiers of the form ModuleName.id to access OCaml library functionality. Now we'll see how we can write our own modules.


Modules in OCaml are implemented by module declarations that have the following syntax:

module StructureName = struct



By convention, structure names always start with capital letters. Examples of the declarations that can go inside of a structure are:

Accessing module members is done in much the same way that you access Java class members, StructureName.declaration. This works for all of the declarations above, including the type, exception, and structure declarations.


To successfully develop large programs, we need more than the ability to group related operations together, as we've done. We need to be able to use the compiler to enforce the separation between different modules, which prevents bad things from happening. Signatures are the mechanism that enforces this separation.

Signatures are implemented in OCaml using the module type keyword along with the sig keyword. A signature declares a set of types and values that any module implementing it must provide. It might look something like the following:

module type SIG_NAME = sig
exception WrongAnswer
type myInt
type myNum = Int of int
val x:int
val add:int * int -> int

And a module defines the module type that it implements as follows:

module StructureName : SIG_NAME = struct

Note that module type names are all-caps by convention. If a module implements a module type, then anyone using the structure may not see or use any values, types, or exceptions other than what is defined in the signature.


Often in computer science we need a mapping from one kind of value to another.  For example, if we wanted to store a telephone book, we would need a mapping from names (strings) to phone numbers (ints).  There are many ways to implement maps, but OCaml allows us a truly creative and unique representation that languages like Java do not.  We will represent maps as functions.

type ('a,'b) map = 'a->'b

The empty map will be a function that returns an error.

exception EmptyMap
let empty = fun _ -> raise EmptyMap

If you're confused now, the lookup function will confuse you even more.

let lookup (m:('a,'b) map) (k:'a) = (m k)

What we are doing here is storing the lookup function as the map itself.  OCaml allows us to do this because functions are first-class objects.  When we insert a key/value pair, we create a new lookup function that returns the value given a key.

let insert (m:('a,'b) map) ((k,v):'a*'b) : ('a,'b) map =
fun x -> if x=k then v else (m x)

Or, with curried syntax,

let insert (m:('a,'b) map) ((k,v):'a*'b) (x:'a) =
if x=k then v else (m x)

Of course, this implementation does not allow removal, so its uses are limited.  However, if you can understand this code, you have a good feel for many key ideas in functional programming.

Implementing Binary Trees with Tuples

In recitation, we saw an example of using a variant type to define integer lists in terms of an empty list (Nil) and cons cells (a head containing an integer and a tail consisting of another list). We were able to iterate over the list, doing various manipulations on the data, and we were able to represent this concisely using higher-order functions. Today we're going to start by doing the same thing with binary trees to make sure everyone is very comfortable with pattern matching in match expressions.

The obvious way to start is with the following variant type, which we saw at the end of the last lecture:

type inttree = Leaf | Branch of (int * inttree * inttree)

This defines a type inttree to be either a leaf node (containing no data) or a branch node (containing an int and left and right subtrees). We could have defined a leaf note to contain an integer and no subtrees (some people do this), but then we'd need another constructor to represent the empty tree. Consider the representation of a generic tree.

The first logical function to write is is_empty:

let is_empty (xs:inttree) : bool =
match xs with
Leaf => true
| _ => false

Then, just as we computed the length of a list, we can count the non-leaf nodes in a tree:

let size (xs:inttree) : int =
match xs with
Leaf => 0
| Branch(_, left, right) => 1 + size(left) + size(right)

The pattern matching done in this function is very powerful. (If you don't see the power yet, you certainly will when the variant types become as complicated as our definition of expressions in ML.) We can make very trivial changes to this function to compute several other interesting values:

Implementing Binary Trees with Records

For both lists and trees, we've been using tuples to represent the nodes. But with trees, there may be some confusion with respect to the order of the fields: does the datum come before or after the left subtree? We can solve this problem using a record type. We can define it as

type inttree = Leaf | Branch of node
  and node = {datum:int; left:inttree; right:inttree}

(Note: Binary trees are simple enough that this probably would not be adequate motivation to use records in a real program, since we now have to remember the field names and spell them out every time we use them. Skipping to the next section on polynomials is fine if running low on time.)

Using this new representation, we can write size as

fun size (xs:inttree) : int =
match xs with
Leaf => 0
| Branch{datum=i; left=lt; right=rt} => 1 + size(lt) + size(rt)

We've written several functions to analyze trees, but we don't yet have a way to generate large trees easily, so if you want to try these functions in your compiler, you'd have a lot of typing to do to spell out a tree of depth 10. Let's get the compiler to do it for us.

let complete_tree ((i,depth):int*int) : inttree =
match depth with
0 => Leaf
| _ => Branch{datum=i;
left=complete_tree(2*i, depth-1);
right=complete_tree(2*i+1, depth-1)}

This function will take an integer i and a depth and recursively create a complete tree of the given depth whose nodes are given distinct indices based on i. If we start with i=1, then we get a complete tree whose preorder node listing is 1, 2, 3, etc. Consider the example given by

let test_tree = complete_tree(1,3)

Now that we have an example tree to work on, we need a cleaner way to visualize the tree than looking at the compiler's representation of records. Let's write a function to print the contents of a tree in order:

let print_inorder (xs:inttree) : unit =
match xs with
Leaf => ()
| Branch{datum=i; left; right} => (print_inorder(left);
print(" " ^ Int.toString(i) ^ " ");

Notice that here we did not provide names for binding the left and right subtrees. Actually, the use of record labels only is just syntactic sugar for binding the same name to its value, so we could have written "datum=i, left=left, right=right". Anyway, our function behaves as follows on our test tree:

- print_inorder(test_tree);
4 2 5 1 6 3 7 val it = () : unit

We could have applied many other functions to each element of the tree. A standard data structure operation is apply, which executes a given function on every element. The function is evaluated for side-effects only; the return value is ignored. How could we write apply_inorder for our trees?

let apply_inorder (f:int->unit, xs:inttree) : unit =
match xs with
Leaf => ()
| Branch{datum; left; right} => (apply_inorder(f,left);

Using this, we can write a very short version of print_inorder:

let print_inorder (xs:inttree) : unit =
apply_inorder(fn (i:int) => print(" " ^ Int.toString(i) ^ " "), xs)

Another common operation is map, which generates a copy of the data structure in which a given function has been applied to every element. We can write apply_inorder as

let map_tree (f:int->int, xs:inttree) : inttree =
match xs with
Leaf => Leaf
| Branch{datum=i; left; right} => Branch{datum=f(i),

How could we use this to square a tree?

let tripled_tree = map_tree(fun (i:int) -> i*3, test_tree)