CS 2800 Syllabus, Fall 2015


This course covers the mathematical concepts that underlie computer science, including:

Careful mathematical reasoning and argument are a major theme of the course. Students are required to write a large number of clear, rigorous proofs and to work with precise definitions.

Websites and information


The textbook "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications" by Rosen is required for the course.

The textbook "Lecture Notes in Discrete Structures" by Pass and Tseng. has been used in past semesters, and may serve as a helpful additional reference.

We will also periodically post topical references on the lecture schedule

Exams and Assignments

Your course grade will be based on two evening prelims (roughly 1/6 each), a final exam (roughly 1/3), and weekly homework assignments (roughly 1/3). There will also be a small subjective component based on class participation (including course evaluation). The median score will fall between a B and a B+; half of the students will get a B+ or better, and half will get a B or worse.

Assignments will be due Monday at noon. They should be submitted as PDF files on CMS. You may create the PDF files however you want (for example by scanning legible handwritten responses), but we encourage you to typeset them using LaTeX.

We will drop your lowest homework score when computing your final grades.

Regrade requests for homework assignments should be submitted on CMS, within a week of when grades are released. Regrade requests for exams should be submitted through the homework handback room. We will regrade the entire exam or problem set; your score may go up or down.

Collaboration Policy

The types of problems assigned in this class lend themselves naturally to a two-step approach. First, you have to understand the question and devise a solution. Second, you have to clearly describe your solution.

During the first phase, you are encouraged to work together and consult outside references. However, you should do the second phase completely on your own.

While writing your solutions, you must not consult any notes.. Do not sit next to the whiteboard that contains the formula that you and a friend devised. Do not look at anything on the web. Do not consult the notes you took during office hours. Don't do anything you wouldn't do in an exam situation. If you find you are stuck, set your submission aside, consult your notes, and then restart the question you were working on.

You may not copy any part of someone else's solution. To do so is a violation of the academic integrity code.

Special Needs

We provide appropriate academic accommodations for students with special needs and/or disabilities. Requests for academic accommodations are to be made during the first three weeks of the semester and must be accompanied by official documentation. Please register with Student Disability Services in 420 CCC to document your eligibility.