Schedule for lectures (COM S 280)

Day, Date Topic(s) covered Reading(s) from Rosen
Monday 01/24 course overview  
Wednesday 01/26 logical statements, logical connectives, and circuits Rosen 1.1-1.3
Friday 01/28 logical statements using $ and  " Rosen 3.1
Monday 01/31 negating statements, and who has a winning strategy in games  
Wednesday 02/02 styles of proofs: contradiction, induction  Rosen 3.2
Friday 02/04

growth of functions using induction: Harmonic function.

Monday 02/07 Fibonacci numbers  
Wednesday 02/09 strong induction  
Friday 02/11 induction for other structures: ordering references  
Monday 02/14 Algorithms for numbers Rosen 2.1-2.3
Wednesday 02/16 greatest common divisor  
Friday 02/18 Euclid's Algorithm Rosen 2.5
Monday 02/21 modular arithmetic Rosen 2.4 +2.6
Wednesday 02/23 RSA crypto system Rosen 2.6
Friday 02/25 The pigeon hole principle Rosen 4.2
Monday 02/28 other uses of RSA, and finding primes.  
Wednesday 03/02 combinatorics and counting Rosen 4.1
Friday 03/04 Permutations and Combinations Rosen 4.3-4.4
Monday 03/07 Identities using Binomial coefficients Rosen 4.4
Tuesday 03/08 Evening prelim 7:30-9pm covering Rosen 1.1-1.5 and 2.1-2.6 and 3.1-3.5
Wednesday 03/09 Inclusion-Explusion principle Rosen 6.5
Friday 03/11 Counting subsets with replacement Rosen  4.5
Monday 03/14 Market basket data see also optional reading
Wednesday 03/16 Probability Rosen 5.1-5.2 (or 4.5-4.6 in 4th edition)
Friday 03/18 Conditional probability, independence, Bayes rule, Rosen 5.1-5.2 (or 4.5-4.6 in 4th edition)
03/21-25  SPRING BREAK  
Monday 03/28 contention resolution KT-handout section 13.1
Wednesday 03/30 Expectations  
Friday 04/01 Union Bound KT section 13.12
Monday 04/04 coupon collector in expectation and with  high probability KT sections 13.1 and 13.3
Wednesday 04/06 Max-3-SAT, the probabilistic method KT section 13.4
Friday 04/08 Hashing KT section 13.6
Monday 04/11 In class prelim review  
Tuesday 04/12 Evening prelim 7:30-9pm  
Wednesday 04/13 Bounding deviation from expectation Section 5.3
Friday 04/15 Variance Section 5.3
Monday 04/18 Law of large numbers, Binomial distributions Section 5.3
Wednesday 04/20 Other distributions, geometric, Poisson  
Friday 04/22 Graphs Section 8.1-2,4
Monday 04/25 Trees in graphs Section 9.1
Wednesday 04/27 BFS, and DFS Section 9.4
Friday 04/29 graph coloring Section 8.8
Monday 05/02 Directed graphs, directed acyclic graphs Section 8.4
Wednesday 05/04 components, and properties of the Web graph Section 8.4
Friday 05/06 Random graphs models and the Web  
Friday 05/13 Final 9-11:30am in Phillips 101