CS212 Software
Swindle Update Information

Binary Update: There was a bug in the MzScheme application itself.  We have fixed this bug, but to get the fix you have to replace the binary executables for MzScheme and MrEd.  You should download this zip file (or the Mac archive) and open it - it will contain the two binaries for MzScheme and MrEd. Then simply replace the files you had with these files, for example, in the standard Windows installation you will replace MzScheme.exe and MrEd.exe in the Program Files\PLT directory.

Windows: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/eli/Swindle/binaries-windows.zip
Linux:   http://www.cs.cornell.edu/eli/Swindle/binaries-linux.zip
Mac PPC: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/eli/Swindle/binaries-mac-ppc.sit.hqx
Mac 68k: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/eli/Swindle/binaries-mac-68k.sit.hqx

Error with previous library: Once you will upgrade your environment, restarting DrSwindle might say "Library file does not contain a unit". If this happen, don't panic - continue loading all (by hitting the ok button) and once you're in, select "Clear Library" from the language menu.

Updating a Mac version: There is a strange bug with getting stuff from the web on Macs. If you have a mac, you shoul delete the "Swindle" and "DrSwindle" folders from the "collects" folder in PLT. Then, either follow the normal Swindle installation (get "Swindle.plt" and drop it on the setup icon), or, if you have an unzip program, you can load "Swindle.zip" and open it, creating two folders that should be placed instead of the ones you deleted. If this is the way that you use, then there is nothing else like compiling to do.

Updating Linux/Windows version: Updating can be done in the normal way. If you suspect that you have any kind of problem, you can follow the same procedure described for Macs above.

More installation details: In the normal place - remember that "Swindle.plt" and "Swindle.zip" are always complete updated versions.

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Last update:  01/19/00 11:35 PM