TONIGHT: PRELIM #2, Kimball B11, 7:30-9:00. Handed back in section tomorrow (a late night for the course staff!) No quick reference guides this time or on the final.

TODAY: More about streams:

Infinite streams

Pitfalls of delayed evaluation

Streams and functional vs. imperative programming

Last time:

* Programming paradigm - streams

* Same basic contract as a list:

(heads (cons-stream x str)) = x

(tails (cons-stream x str)) = str

* Order of evaluation is DIFFERENT

(cons-stream x str) --- evaluates x immediately

str only when it needs it.

(tails str) ----- forces evaluation of the tail of the stream.

Delayed Evaluation:

* Only compute values in the tail when they're needed.

* Use (delay foo) special form.

(delay foo) -- makes a promise to compute foo when forced to.

MAKE IOU. Could be (lambda () (foo))

(force foo) -- collects on the promise. Could be (foo)

There's one last inefficiency possible:

Each time it is computed anew.


We MEMOIZE it the first time we compute it ---

save result, use it later



Streams gave us a view of a program as SIGNAL PROCESSING:

* data going through a chain of boxes


"What is the second prime between 10000 and a zillion?"

+--------+ +--------+

(10000,zillion) -->|prime? | -->|second | ---> answer

+--------+ +--------+

The KEY difference between streems and lists is that with streams the

flow of data is like "pulling a string", only as much computation gets

done as is needed to provide the next output.


If the stream we've made doesn't do any computation, what's the point

of that zillion anyways?

* With lists, it'd be there to stop the recursion and keep the lists


* With stream, the *delay* has already stopped the recursion

- Don't make more stream until you need it!

* So we don't need another device to stop it.

Just make the stream *infinitely* long!

- That is, whenever you take the tail of it

-- asking for the next value -- there'll be a next value.

(define integers-from

(lambda (n)

(cons-stream n (integers-from (+ 1 n)))))

(define integers (integers-from 1))

* integers is an infinite stream:

-- There's always another integer to pull off of it.

* But it's not an infinite *loop*:

-- No call to (integers-from 2), because cons-stream delays it.

-- compare with CONS

integers is bound to something that looks like:

( 1 . {promise (integers-from (+ 1 1))} )


Let's print some of this stream out:

(define print-stream

(lambda (s)

(print (heads s))

(print-stream (tails s))))

[Note: this is not (maps print s) – why?]

(print-stream integers)

* Prints 1

* Forces the tail, the promise,

- Evaluates (+ 1 1) to 2

- evaluates integers-from, giving us

(2 . {promise (integers-from (+ 1 2))})

* Prints 2

* Forces the tail...

- (3 . {promise (integers-from (+ 1 3))})

* Prints 3






Stream lambdas MOSTLY make sense on infinite streams.

For example,

(define divisible?

(lambda (x n)

(= (remainder x n) 0)))

(define threes

(filters (lambda (x) (divisible? x 3))


Is a stream with the elements:

3 6 9 12 15 18 ...

No matter many you get out of the stream, there are always more.


* Are all the numbers really there?

* Well, what does "really there" mean?

1. If you look at them, you'll find them.

2. But if you don't look at them, they're not explicitly

represented in the computer -- not as numbers anyways.




It's easy to count by 3's. Let's do something more interesting:

* Sieve of Eratosthenes (300 BC)

* Build a stream of primes.

* 2 is prime.

* A number n>2 is prime iff it is not divisible by any prime number

smaller than itself.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...

^ ^ / ^ | ^ | | | ^ | ^ | | | ^ | ^ |

2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

We can look at this as a recursive process, the head is in the result, and

so is the tail filtered to remove anything divisible by the head, and then



(define sieve

(lambda (stream)


(heads stream)

(sieve (filters (lambda (x)

(not (divisible? x (heads stream))))

(tails stream))))))


new tail is a stream not divisible by the current head

(define primes (sieve (integers-from 2)))

1. First in the stream is 2.

And the tail of the stream has all the integers not divisible by 2

[This is an example where you need to really understand the delays

to make sense of it.]




Now, something even more peculiar:

* Defining a stream in terms of itself.

We *didn't* do this with integers-from --

-- there we defined a procedure returning a stream.

(define ones (cons-stream 1 ones))

ones looks like 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...


If we tried this with regular cons, it would not work -- WHY????????

-- it'd get the old value of ones and stick a 1 on that.

-- Or an error if there wasn't one.

But cons-stream delays the second argument

-- and it's as easy to delay `ones' as anything else.

Let's define adding streams:

(define add-streams

(lambda (a b)

(cond ((empty-stream? a) b)

((empty-stream? b) a)

(else (cons-stream (+ (heads a) (heads b))

(add-streams (tails a) (tails b)))))))


(define integers

(cons-stream 1

(add-streams ones integers)))

integers ---> (1 . {promise to (add-streams ones integers)})


(tails integers)

(2 . {promise to (add-streams (tails ones) (tails integers))} )

(tails (tails integers))

;; Add the 1 and 2

(3 . {promise to (add-streams (tails (tails ones)) (tails (tails integers)))})


This isn't very different from having a *lambda* defined in terms of

itself --- recursion.





Now, let's do something a bit more involved using integer streams: Fibonacci numbers




(define fibs

(cons-stream 0

(cons-stream 1

(add-streams fibs (tails fibs)))))

When we ask for the third element, add-streams adds the first

and second. The tail is a promise to

(add-streams (tails fibs) (tails (tails fibs)))

In this case we need two values to ``get the stream started''.




There are some problems though:

It's very easy to make divergent computations:

- which are not the same as being empty

- And, worse, empty-stream? can't detect them!

(define lose

(filters odd? (filters even? integers)))

[Note: (heads lose) isn't what runs forever. filters always runs until

it finds a value for the head, so the odd filters will run forever.]

[Can we build a smart version of empty-stream? That detects divergent computations? NO. See last lecture.]




Delayed evaluation can cause all kinds of trouble when mixed with

assignment (set!)

* Kind of like drinking and driving.

(define x 'fun)

(define make-empty

(lambda ()

(set! x 'yow!)


(define y (cons-stream 1 (make-empty)))

x ===> 'fun

y ===> {printed representation of a stream with head 1}

x ===> 'fun

(tail y) ===> empty-stream

x ===> 'yow!



This is really strange.

* Looking at some value (y) changed x.

* Side effects happen at all kinds of random times.

* When you print one variable to see what its value is, you might

change some other ones.

* You can't trust *anything*


Great Functional vs. Imperative Programming Debate:

Functional Programming:

Imperative programming:

(FP): Side effects cause trouble, in many ways. They mess up your

thinking. Give up the habit.

(IMP): I'll be good and just use side effects for local state, like o-o

style. No (or few) global variables.

But I really *need* that state. Can't do good OO programming without


(FP): Have I got "state" for you! Look at a bank account as being an

infinite of stream of transactions and the resulting balances.

Each new transaction comes along and the balance changes



transactions --> |ACCT | --> balances


What about a shared account?

Well, we could have more than one input stream.

+--------+ +------+

Chris --->|MERGE | ----> | ACCT | --> balances

Pat --->| | +------+


OK, but what's that MERGE critter like?

* Alternating is no good

- Then Chris can't deposit money and immediately withdraw it,

Pat has to do something in between, and maybe Pat isn't even at

the bank.

* Fair merge -- ask each one if they're ready to give input.

- If one is ready and the other isn't, take the one that is.

- Otherwise, alternate or something.


Note: notion of *time* has re-entered

But this merge box knows about state!

The debate isn't over.

We don't know *what* to do, actually.




* Delayed evaluation is a powerful tool for allowing certain

abstractions to be efficient.

* Delayed evaluation works badly with set!

* You can often view state as time-evolution of a process

- and package it in a stream

instead of as explicit state.