Each group of people grading a problem came up with the grading guide for the problem. This is just an attempt to capture what were the rules of thumb. 1. 4 points for the base case -2pt for not starting at k=0 4 points for the correct induction hypothesis -2pt for not doing strong induction or assuming 2 adjacent k's -1pt if I.H. says assume fot k>=2 then prove for k+1 6 points for a correct inductive step -1pt for not saying why you can make assumptions about the height of the second subtree -3pt for saying saying that both subtrees have height k -1pt for not labeling where the I.H. is used in the proof 2 points for the conclusion 2. Every correct output is worth two points 3.a) 4 points for using instanceof 2 points for making the counters static 2 points for making it work b) 2 points for changing the left and right subtrees to private 1 point for saying that the should use getters and setters 4 points for saying that they should checking that both left and right are (non) null in the constructor. 1 point for saying that they should use one setter that takes two arguments 4. Every question is worth one point 5. 4 points if B is the root of the tree. 6 points for every correct subtree (?) 6. 3 points for checking if c1==null && c2==null 5 points for checking if either c1==null or c2==null 5 points for checking which datum is greater 7 points for calling lex recursively Non recursive solutions got 5 points max