 * The Arithmetic2 class implements an application that
 * calculates +, -, *, / for pairs of integers which have
 * been requested from the keyboard, and decides which
 * operation to do based on an input character.

import java.io.*;

class Arithmetic2
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        InputStreamReader isr   = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
        BufferedReader inComing = new BufferedReader(isr);
        PrintWriter outGoing    = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);

        char op, query;
        int x, y, quittingTime = 0;  // quittingTime is to boot someone off if they're being obstinately truculent
        double z = 0;
        String ask = "Please enter an ";
        boolean again = false, sillySausage = false;

            outGoing.println(ask + "integer.");
            x = Integer.parseInt(inComing.readLine());

            outGoing.println(ask + "operator.");
            op = (inComing.readLine()).charAt(0);

            outGoing.println(ask + "integer.");
            y = Integer.parseInt(inComing.readLine());

              { sillySausage = false;
                  case '+' : { z = x + y; break; }
                  case '-' : { z = x - y; break; }
                  case '*' : { z = x * y; break; }
                  case '/' : { if (y != 0) z = (double) x / y;
                               else z = x / y;       // this will throw an exception!!!!
                  default :  { outGoing.print("Awfully sorry, but the only operators I know ");
                               outGoing.println("about are + , - , * and /");
                               outGoing.println(ask + "operator.");
                               op = (inComing.readLine()).charAt(0);
                               sillySausage = true;  //complaining that the char isn't an operator!!!!!!!!
                               quittingTime++ ;
              } while ( sillySausage && ( quittingTime < 3) );
            if (quittingTime < 3)
              { outGoing.println("The value of " + x + op + y + " is " + z);
                outGoing.println("Would you like to do another calculation?");
                query = (inComing.readLine()).charAt(0);
                if ( (query == 'y') || (query == 'Y') ) again = true;
            else again = false;
          } while ( again );

        if (quittingTime < 3 ) outGoing.println("Thanks for using \"Arithmetic\", please come again!!");
        else                   outGoing.println("Thanks for visiting us.  English classes are available!");
  } // end of class Arithmetic2