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Self-check exercise: Basic Array Creation

    The following exercises are taken from the manuscript "MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications" by Amos Gilat

  1. Create a column vector in which the first element is 20, the elements decrease with increments of -5, and the last element is -40.

  2. Create a row vector with 20 equally spaced elemetns in which the first element is 5 and the last element is 70.

  3. Create the matrix shown below by using the vector notation for creating vectors with constant spacing and/or the linspace command when entering the rows.

     0    4    8    12   16   20    24    28 
     69   68   67   66   65   64    63    62 
     1.4  1.1  0.8  0.5  0.2  -0.1  -0.4  -0.7