CS 113 Lecture Notes

This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

Date Lecture Reading assignments
Week 1 Monday 1/211. Introduction Oualline ch 1, 2, 4
K&R ch 1
Wednesday 1/232. Control statements and operators Oualline ch 6, 8
K&R ch 3
Friday 1/253. Variables, types, operators K&R ch 2
Week 2 Monday 1/284. FunctionsOualline ch 9
K&R 4.1, 4.2
Wednesday 1/305. Pointers Oualline ch 9 and 13
K&R 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Pointer tutorial
Friday 2/1Pointer practice (in computer lab)
Week 3 Monday 2/46. Arrays and strings Oulline ch 5 and 13
K&R ch. 5
Wednesday 2/67. Dynamic memory management (full-size slides)Oualline ch 17
K&R 7.8.5
Pointer fun with Binky (video)
Friday 2/88. Complex types Oualline ch 12
K&R ch 6
Week 4 Monday 2/119. The standard library and the preprocessor
Wednesday 2/139. Quiz Oualline ch 10, 14
K&R ch 7
Friday 2/15 10. Style, debugging, optimization