# friendly_hangman.py # Anne Bracy (awb93) # March 28, 2018 """Module with one class: a SecretWord This is the "friendly" version. The method guess() does not fail any asserts but simply ignores a user's guess when it does not meet the preconditions. A more friendly way to maintain invariants than simply dying. """ class SecretWord(): """A word to be guessed by a user in a game of hangman. Instance attributes: secret_word: the word being guessed [str of lower case letters] display_word: word as the user sees it: the letters of secret_word show correctly guessed letters [str of lower case letters and '_'] secret_word and display_word agree on all letters and have same length """ def __init__(self, word): """Initializer: creates both secret_word and display_word from word [a str of lower case letters] """ assert type(word)==str and word.isalpha(), "word must be a string of all letters" assert word.islower(), "word must be lower case" self.secret_word = word self.display_word = len(word)*'_' def word_so_far(self): """Prints the word being guessed""" print("So far you have: "+self.display_word) def reveal(self): """Prints the word being guessed""" print("The word was "+self.secret_word) def guess(self, letter): """Updates the display_word to reveal all instances of letter as they appear in the secret_word. (‘_’ is replaced with letter) letter: the user's guess [1 character string a..z] """ if type(letter)!=str or len(letter) != 1 or not letter.isalpha(): print("invalid guess") return lower_letter = letter.lower() for i in list(range(len(self.secret_word))): if self.secret_word[i] == lower_letter: self.display_word = self.display_word[:i] + lower_letter + self.display_word[i+1:] def is_solved(self): """Returns True if the entire word has been guessed""" return self.secret_word == self.display_word