Source code for view.display

The primary display interfaces.

# FILE VERSION: released 5/5/2017 @ 13:00

import random
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

from qt_configs import Ui_CitizenPacMainWindow

[docs]def randomColor(): ''' Returns a random color. :Return: :class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QColor` A random color generated by choosing a random integer in ``[0, 255]`` for the red, green, and blue channels. ''' r = random.randint(0, 255) g = random.randint(0, 255) b = random.randint(0, 255) return QtGui.QColor(r, g, b)
[docs]class CitizenPacMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow, Ui_CitizenPacMainWindow): ''' Ui interface. This class is identical to that which would be generated by the :ref:`ui_toolkit` using the ``-w`` flag, only we also include a resize event handler to allow the game to scale up / down with resizing. .. danger:: Do not **ever** forget to call ``self.setupUi(self)`` in the constructor! See the generated Ui file in the ``qt_configs`` directory for why. :Attributes: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The scene everything is being drawn in. ''' def __init__(self, parent=None, f=QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags()): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent, f) self.setupUi(self) self.scene = None
[docs] def attachScene(self, scene): ''' We need the scene in order to determine what size we are trying to display in. :Parameters: ``scene`` (:class:`model.Scene`) The scene we are going to store a reference to internally. ''' self.scene = scene
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): ''' When a resize event occurs, resize the scene viewport to show the game at the maximum resolution possible *without* distorting the aspect ratio. Makes use of the :class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QGraphicsView`'s ``fitInView`` method. :Parameters: ``e`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QResizeEvent`) The resize event being dispatched by the Qt backend. ''' newSize = self.scene.view.sceneRect() self.scene.view.fitInView(newSize, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
[docs]class GameStats(object): ''' Wrapper class for displaying the game statistics in the top. :Parameters: ``gameRunning`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QCheckBox`) The checkbox in the top-left of the UI representing whether or not the game is currently running or not. ``speedBoost`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QProgressBar`) The progress bar just to the right of the checkbox indicating by how much the speed of the game has been boosted. ``numLives`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QLCDNumber`) The LCD panel to display the number of lives left on. ``scoreBoard`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QLCDNumber`) The LCD panel to display the game score on. :Attributes: ``gameRunning`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QCheckBox`) The checkbox in the top-left of the UI representing whether or not the game is currently running or not. ``speedBoost`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QProgressBar`) The progress bar just to the right of the checkbox indicating by how much the speed of the game has been boosted. ``numLives`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QLCDNumber`) The LCD panel to display the number of lives left on. ``scoreBoard`` (:class:`PyQt4.QtGui.QLCDNumber`) The LCD panel to display the game score on. ''' def __init__(self, gameRunning, speedBoost, numLives, scoreBoard): self.gameRunning = gameRunning self.gameRunning.setEnabled(False) self.speedBoost = speedBoost self.numLives = numLives self.scoreBoard = scoreBoard
[docs] def setRunning(self, running): ''' Checks the ``gameRunning`` checkbox. :Parameters: ``running`` (bool) The value to set checked to, ``True`` for checked, ``False`` otherwise. ''' self.gameRunning.setChecked(running)
[docs] def displayGameScore(self, score): ''' Sets the game score display. :Parameters: ``score`` (float) The value to display on the game ``scoreBoard``. ''' self.scoreBoard.display(score)
[docs] def displayGameSpeed(self, speed): ''' Sets the game speed boost progress bar. :Parameters: ``speed`` (float) The value to display on the ``speedBoost`` progress bar. ''' self.speedBoost.setValue(speed)
[docs] def setLives(self, val): ''' Sets the lives left display. :Parameters: ``val`` (int) The value to display on the game ``scoreBoard``. ''' self.numLives.display(float(val))