# Parquet.py # YOUR NAME(S) AND NETID(S) # DATE """ Draws various Parquet tiles and floors.""" from SimpleGraphics import * def DrawParquetTile(a,b,H,C1,C2): """ Draws a 5-by-5 Parquet tile centered at (a,b). If H is True, then the strips are horizontal. If H is False, then the strips are vertical. Strips 1, 3, and 5 have color C1. Strips 2 and 4 have color C2. PreC: a and b are floats or ints. C1 and C2 are rgb lists, and H is Boolean. """ pass def DrawParquetFloor(a,b,H,C1,C2): """ Draws a 3x3 Parquet floor centered at (a,b). If H is True, then the center tile has horizontal strips. If H is False, then the center tile has vertical strips. Strips 1,3, and 5 of the center tile have color C1. Strips 2 and 4 of the center tile have color C2. PreC: a and b are floats or ints. C1 and C2 are rgb lists, and H is Boolean. """ pass # Application Script if __name__ == '__main__': # The two colors C1 = MAGENTA C2 = CYAN # The first window. # Display two Parquet tiles, one with horizontal orientation # and the other with vertical orientation: MakeWindow(7,bgcolor=DARKGRAY) DrawParquetTile(3,0,False,C1,C2) DrawParquetTile(-3,0,True,C2,C1) # The second window. # Display two Parquet floors, one with horizontal orientation # and the other with vertical orientation. MakeWindow(18,bgcolor=DARKGRAY,labels=False) DrawParquetFloor(8,0,False,C1,C2) DrawParquetFloor(-8,0,True,C1,C2) # The third window # Display the Dance Floor MakeWindow(16,bgcolor=DARKGRAY,labels=False) # Add your dance floor code here... # Display all the windows ShowWindow()