T-Th 9:05
T-Th 11:15
in Olin 155

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python

Spring 2016

CS 1110 Staff

"Emergency Contact Number"
If there's an urgent matter affecting more than you (and your group), contact "anyone in charge" by emailing cs-1110mgmt-L@cornell.edu, which reaches the TAs and supervising consultants as well as the instructors. Examples: there aren't any staff members at a scheduled office hour; we've run out of handouts in a lab.

Name Contact Office hours and location (on days classes are held)
Professor Lillian Lee cs-1110profs-L@cornell.edu
Phone: 255-8119
Office: Gates 419 (but drop-in hours at a different location)

Drop-in hours Tue/Thu on days when there's class at 10:10-11, Olin 128. See the contact info section on Prof. Lee's webpage for how to make an individual (or single-group) appointment. Additional hours for Tuesday May 17th available by appointment; book here

Professor Charles Van Loan cs-1110profs-L@cornell.edu
Phone: 255-5418
Office: Gates 423

Drop-in hours Tue/Thu on days when there's class at 10:10-11, Olin 128. Tue May 17th: 9:30-noon; Wed May 18th: 9-11am

Administrative Assistant
Megan Gatch MLG34@cornell.edu
Phone: 255-3313
Office: Gates 401

Get in the habit of dropping in on the TAs if you have questions. You should drop in on any available TA, not just your section TA.

Fujun Luan FL356@cornell.edu
(does not hold office office hours)
Dana Warmsley DW457@cornell.edu
(none during study/finals week)
Zechen Zhang ZZ335@cornell.edu
(none during study/finals week)
Jigar Bhati JMB776@cornell.edu
(none during study/finals week)
Heath Guo HG322@cornell.edu
(none during finals/study week)
JinJing Liang JL2453@cornell.edu
(none during finals week)
Max Tinati MRT59@cornell.edu
(none during finals week)


Consulting hours are held in the ACCEL lab green room (Carpenter Hall second floor, next to the orange and red rooms).
The supervising consultants are Alex Parkhurst (ANP56) and Sarah Sinclair (SJS334).

The consultants are as follows: Daniel Rong (DDR42), Arielle Anderer (AEA68), Natasha Armbrust (NKA8), Jatin Bharwani (JSB399), Priyanka Boddu (PB448), Anna Brosowsky (AB2422), Fred Callaway (FLC37), Jesse Chen (JMC622), Annie Cheng (AC962), Grace Cimaszewski (GC444), Ivan Dimitrov (IDD2), Ryan Dong (RFD83), Hannah Dunn (HLD59), Ugonna Erinne (UE24), Jonathan Falk (JZF5), Ho Kwan Fung (HF258), Rohan Ghosh (RG547), Jordan Greissman (JAG538), Jerica Huang (JH2263), Erissa Irani (ELI8), Maureen Jian (MJ394), Mary Kaminski (MEK282), Aditya Koppikar (AK696), Gee Hyun Kwon (GK297), Jane Lee (JHL278), Jungsoo Lee (JL3329), Megan Leszczynski (MEL255), Kristy Liao (KPL44), Darien Lin (DL724), Xin Lin (XL466), Joshua Malek (JSM398), Sophie Nicolich-Henkin (SN477), Hyun Seung Oh (HO225), Rachit Parasrampuria (RP424), Alex Parkhurst (ANP56), Daniel Rong (DDR42), Drew Samuels (DRS354), Lauren Sedita (LES278), Justin Selig (JSS459), Nancy Shen (NWS37), Sarah Sinclair (SJS334), Melody Spencer (MJS585), Yibo Sun (YS592), Julia Sun (JYS35), Stephanie Sun (SS2938), Brad Tiller (BJT79), Josselyn Tsai (JT566), David Vakili (DV227), and Ivan Zaitsev (IZ44).

Course Material Authors: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, C. Van Loan & W. White (over the years)