# PointCloud.py """ Some basic operations on a cloud of points in the plane are used to illustate various list-processing basics.""" from random import normalvariate as randn from math import sqrt from simpleGraphicsE import * def MakeCloud(n,sigma): """ Returns lists of floats x and y that define a cloud of n points in the plane. The x and y values are randomly generated using the normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation sigma. PreC: n is a positive integer greater than 1 and sigma is a positive float. """ # Build up x and y via repreated appending. x=[] y=[] for k in range(n): r = randn(0,sigma) x.append(r) r = randn(0,sigma) y.append(r) return (x,y) def Diameter(x,y): """ Returns (d,imax,jmax) where d is a float that is the diameter of a cloud of points defined by lists x and y. imax and jmax are ints that are the indices of the diameter points. The diameter of a cloud of points is the maximum distance between any two points in the cloud. The two points for which this occurs are called diameter points. PreC: x and y are lists of floats with the same length. """ # d is the maximum separation between all pairs of points that have # so far been checked. d = 0 n = len(x) for i in range(n): # Examine distances to the point (x[i],y[i]) for j in range(n): dij = sqrt((x[i]-x[j])**2 + (y[i]-y[j])**2) if dij>d: # The distance between the ith and jth points is # a new maximum. Update d and save the values of i and j. d = dij imax = i jmax = j return (d,imax,jmax) def ShowCloud(x,y): """ Displays a point cloud defined by x and y and highlights the two points that define its diameter. PreC: x and y are lists of floats with the same length. """ # Figure out how big to make the window. xMax = max(map(abs,x)) yMax = max(map(abs,y)) M = max(xMax,yMax) MakeWindow(1.1*M,bgcolor=BLACK,labels=False) # Determine the radius of each displayed point. r = M/50; # Determine the indices of the points that define the diameter. d,i,j = Diameter(x,y) for k in range(len(x)): # Display the kth point in the cloud. if k==i or k==j: # This will highlight the diameter points. DrawDisk(x[k],y[k],2*r,color=CYAN) DrawDisk(x[k],y[k],r,color=YELLOW) ShowWindow() # Application Script if __name__ == '__main__': x,y = MakeCloud(3,1) print x print y (x,y) = MakeCloud(500,3) ShowCloud(x,y)