# GenWeather.py # Your Name # Date """ Place an informative doc string here in the required style. """ import Weather def WindChill(T,W): """ Place an informative doc string here in the required style. """ # Develop the function body here... return float(T) def Test(T,W,TrueWC): """ Prints T, W, WindChill(T,W) and the True Windchill Precondition: T is a valid temperature string, W is a valid wind string, and TrueWC is the actual wind chill asociated with T and W. """ WC = WindChill(T,W) print 'WindChill returns %4d Actual = %5.1f Input = (%s,%s) ' % (WindChill(T,W),TrueWC,T,W) #Application Script if __name__ == '__main__': """ Confirms the correctness of WindChill in ten different representative cases.""" Test('85','100kph',85)