# tkturtle.py # Walker M. White (wmw2) # August 20, 2013 """Cornell implementation of the Tk Turtle This module is preferable to the default turtle module for several reasons. First, it makes it easier to support simultaneous turtle windows. Second, it provides support for custom color models. Finally, the attributes and methods have been streamlined to make them easier to understand for beginners.""" from colormodel import * import turtle # Helper function to check numeric input def _is_number(n): return type(n) == int or type(n) == float # Private class. Not publicly available. Emulates the Screen singleton. class _Window(turtle.TurtleScreen): _root = None _canvas = None _title = turtle._CFG["title"] # Copy of turtle.Screen, as non-singleton def __init__(self,x=100,y=100,width=800,height=800): self._root = turtle._Root() self._root.title(self._title) self._root.ondestroy(self._destroy) canvwidth = turtle._CFG["canvwidth"] canvheight = turtle._CFG["canvheight"] self._root.setupcanvas(width, height, canvwidth, canvheight) self._canvas = self._root._getcanvas() turtle.TurtleScreen.__init__(self, self._canvas) self._setup(width, height, x, y) # Copy of turtle.Screen, as non-singleton def _setup(self, width=turtle._CFG["width"], height=turtle._CFG["height"], startx=turtle._CFG["leftright"], starty=turtle._CFG["topbottom"]): """ Set the size and position of the main window.""" if not hasattr(self._root, "set_geometry"): return sw = self._root.win_width() sh = self._root.win_height() if isinstance(width, float) and 0 <= width <= 1: width = sw*width if startx is None: startx = (sw - width) / 2 if isinstance(height, float) and 0 <= height <= 1: height = sh*height if starty is None: starty = (sh - height) / 2 self._root.set_geometry(width, height, startx, starty) self.update() # Copy of turtle.Screen, as non-singleton def _destroy(self): root = self._root turtle.Turtle._pen = None turtle.Turtle._screen = None self._root = None self._canvas = None turtle.TurtleScreen._RUNNING = True root.destroy() class Window(object): """Instances are GUI windows that support turtle graphics You should construct a Window object before constructing a Turtle or Pen. You will only need one Window object for the entire assignment.""" _frame = None # Wrapper to private object _turtles = [] # Active turtles _gpens = [] # Active pens # Mutable properties @property def x(self): """x coordinate for top left corner of window **Invariant**: x must be an int""" return self._x @x.setter def x(self,value): assert (type(value) == int), "value %s is not an int" % `value` self._x = value self._reshape() @property def y(self): """y coordinate for top left corner of window **Invariant**: y must be an int""" return self._frame._y @y.setter def y(self,value): assert (type(value) == int), "value %s is not an int" % `value` self._y = value self._reshape() @property def width(self): """width of the window in pixels **Invariant**: width must be an int""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self,value): assert (type(value) == int), "value %s is not an int" % `value` assert (value > 0), "value %s is negative" % `value` self._width = value self._reshape() @property def height(self): """height of the window in pixels **Invariant**: height must be an int""" return self._height @height.setter def height(self,value): assert (type(value) == int), "value %s is not an int" % `value` assert (value > 0), "value %s is negative" % `value` self._height = value self._reshape() @property def title(self): """title displayed at top of window bar **Invariant**: title must be a string""" return self._frame._title @title.setter def title(self,value): assert (type(value) == str), "value %s is not a string" % `value` self._frame._root.title(value) self._frame._title = value # Immutable properties @property def turtles(self): """list of all turtles attached to this Window *This attribute may not be altered directly*""" return self._turtles[:] @property def pens(self): """list of all pens attached to this Window *This attribute may not be altered directly*""" return self._gpens[:] @property def shapes(self): """list containing all supported turtle shapes *This attribute may not be altered di*""" return self._frame.getshapes() # Built-in Methods def __init__(self,x=100,y=100,width=800,height=800): """**Constructor**: creates a new Window to support turtle graphics :param x: initial x coordinate (default 100) **Precondition**: int :param y: initial y coordinate (default 100) **Precondition**: int :param width: initial window width (default 800) **Precondition**: int :param height: initial window height (default 800) **Precondition**: int All parameters are optional.""" self._frame = _Window(x,y,width,height) self._x = x self._y = y self._width = width self._height = height try: self._frame.addshape('pencil.gif') except: pass def __del__(self): try: self._frame._destroy() except: pass self._turtles = [] self._gpens = [] del self._frame # Methods # Copy of turtle.Screen, as non-singleton def _reshape(self): self._frame._setup(width=self._width,height=self._height, startx=self._x,starty=self._y) # Add a turtle to this Window def _addTurtle(self,turt): self._turtles.append(turt) # Add a pen to this Window def _addPen(self,pen): self._gpens.append(pen) # Remove a turtle from this Window def _removeTurtle(self,turt): if turt in self._turtles: self._turtles.remove(turt) # Remove a pen from this Window def _removePen(self,pen): if pen in self._gpens: self._gpens.remove(pen) def clear(self): """Erase the contents of this Window All Turtles and Pens are eliminated from the Window. Any attempt to use a previously created Turtle or Pen will fail.""" self._frame.clear() self._turtles = [] self._gpens = [] def bye(self): """Shut the graphics Window""" self._frame._destroy() self._turtles = [] self._gpens = [] del self._frame def beep(self): """Play an OS specific alert sound""" self._frame.bell() def iconify(self): """Shrink the window down to an icon, effectively hiding it""" self._frame.iconify() def deiconify(self): """Expand the window from an icon so that it is visible""" self._frame.deiconify() def setMaxSize(self,width,height): """Sets the maximum size for this window Any attempt to resize a dimension beyond the maximum size will fail.""" self._frame.maxsize(width,height) def setMinSize(self,width,height): """Sets the minimum size for this window Any attempt to resize a dimension below the minimum size will fail.""" self._frame.minsize(width,height) # Helper function to support colormodel in turtles def _is_turtle_color(c): return (type(c) == RGB or type(c) == HSV or type(c) == str or type(c) == tuple) # Helper function to support colormodel in turtles def _to_turtle_color(c): return c.turtleColor() if (type(c) == RGB or type(c) == HSV) else c class Turtle(object): """Instance is a graphics turtle. Graphics turtle is a pen that is controlled by direction and movement. The turtle is a cursor that that you control by moving it left, right, forward, or backward. As it moves, it draws a line of the same color as the Turtle.""" _screen = None _turtle = None # Mutable properties @property def heading(self): """The heading of this turtle in degrees. Heading is measured counter clockwise from due east. **Invariant**: Value must be a float""" return float(self._turtle.heading()) @heading.setter def heading(self,value): assert (_is_number(value)), "value %s is not a valid number" % `value` self._turtle.setheading(value) @property def speed(self): """The animation speed of this turtle. The speed is an integer from 0 to 10. Speed = 0 means that no animation takes place. The methods forward/back makes turtle jump and likewise left/right make the turtle turn instantly. Speeds from 1 to 10 enforce increasingly faster animation of line drawing and turtle turning. 1 is the slowest speed while 10 is the fastest (non-instantaneous) speed. **Invariant**: Value must be an integer value in the range 0..10.""" return self._turtle.speed() @speed.setter def speed(self,value): assert (type(value) == int), "value %s is not an int" % `value` assert (value >= 0 or value <= 10), "value %s is outside the range 0..10" % `value` self._turtle.speed(value) @property def color(self): """The color of this turtle. All subsequent draw commands (forward/back) draw using this color. If the color changes, it only affects future draw commands, not past ones. **Invariant**: Value must be either a string with a color name, a 3 element tuple of floats between 0 and 1 (inclusive), or an object in an additive color model (e.g. RGB or HSV).""" return self._color @color.setter def color(self,value): assert (_is_turtle_color(value)), "value %s is not a valid color input" % `value` self._turtle.color(_to_turtle_color(value)) self._color = self._turtle.color()[0] @property def visible(self): """Indicates whether the turtle's icon is visible. Drawing commands will still work while the turtle icon is hidden. There will just be no indication of the turtle's current location on the screen. **Invariant**: Value must be a bool""" return self._turtle.isvisible() @visible.setter def visible(self,value): assert (type(value) == bool), "value %s is not a bool" % `value` if value and not self._turtle.isvisible(): self._turtle.showturtle() elif not value and self._turtle.isvisible(): self._turtle.hideturtle() @property def drawmode(self): """Indicates whether the turtle is in draw mode. All drawing calls are active if an only if this mode is True **Invariant**: Value must be a bool""" return self._turtle.isdown() @drawmode.setter def drawmode(self,value): assert (type(value) == bool), "value %s is not a bool" % `value` if value and not self._turtle.isdown(): self._turtle.pendown() elif not value and self._turtle.isdown(): self._turtle.penup() # Immutable properties @property def x(self): """The x-coordinate of this turtle. To change the x coordinate, use one of the drawing methods. *This attribute may not be (directly) altered*""" return self._turtle.xcor() @property def y(self): """The y-coordinate of this turtle. To change the x coordinate, use one of the drawing methods. *This attribute may not be (directly) altered*""" return self._turtle.ycor() # Built-in Methods def __init__(self,screen,position=(0, 0), color='red', heading=180, speed=0): """**Constructor**: Create a new turtle to draw on the given screen. :param screen: window object that turtle will draw on. **Precondition**: object of type Window. :param position: initial turtle position (origin is screen center) **Precondition**: 2D tuple of floats or ints. :param color: initial turtle color (default red) **Precondition**: either a string with a color name, a 3 element tuple of floats between 0 and 1 (inclusive), or an object in an additive color model (e.g. RGB or HSV). :param heading: initial turtle directions (default 180) **Precondition**: a float or int :param speed: initial turtle speed (default 0) **Precondition**: a int between 0 and 10, inclusive The argument ``screen`` is not optional.""" assert type(screen) == Window self._turtle = turtle.RawTurtle(screen._frame) self._turtle.hideturtle() self._screen = screen screen._addTurtle(self) self._turtle.shape('turtle') self._turtle.penup() self.color = color self._turtle.setposition(position) self._turtle.setheading(heading) self._turtle.speed(speed) self._turtle.pendown() self._turtle.showturtle() def __repr__(self): """Returns: Unambiguous string representation of this turtle. """ return str(self.__class__)+str(self) # A printable representation of the turtle, giving its position, color, and heading def __str__(self): """Returns: Readable string representation of this turtle. """ return 'Turtle[position={}, color={}, heading={}]'.format((self.x,self.y), self.color, self.heading) def __del__(self): """Deletes this turtle object. """ self.clear() self._screen._removeTurtle(self) del self._turtle # Methods def forward(self,distance): """Move the turtle forward. :param distance: distance to move in pixels **Precondition**: a float or int Draws a line if drawmode is True.""" self._turtle.forward(distance) def backward(self,distance): """Move the turtle backward. :param distance: distance to move in pixels **Precondition**: a float or int Draws a line if drawmode is True.""" self._turtle.backward(distance) def right(self,degrees): """Turn the turtle to the right. :param degrees: amount to turn right in degrees **Precondition**: a float or int Nothing is drawn.""" self._turtle.right(degrees) def left(self,degrees): """Turn the turtle to the left. :param degrees: amount to turn left in degrees **Precondition**: a float or int Nothing is drawn.""" self._turtle.left(degrees) def move(self,x,y): """Moves the turtle to given position without drawing. :param x: new x position for turtle **Precondition**: a float or int :param y: new y position for turtle **Precondition**: a float or int This method does not draw, regardless of the drawmode.""" assert (_is_number(x)), "parameter x:%s is not a valid number" % `x` assert (_is_number(y)), "parameter y:%s is not a valid number" % `y` d = self._turtle.isdown() if d: self._turtle.penup() self._turtle.setposition(x,y) if d: self._turtle.pendown() def clear(self): """Delete the turtle's drawings from the window, but do not move the turtle or alter its attributes.""" self._turtle.clear() def reset(self): """Delete the turtle's drawings from the window, re-center the turtle and reset all attributes to their default values.""" self._turtle.clear() self._turtle.setposition((0,0)) self._turtle.shape('turtle') self.color = 'red' self.heading = 180 self.speed = 0 class Pen(object): """Instance is a graphics pen. A graphics pen is like a turtle except that it does not have a heading, and there is no drawmode attribute. Instead, the pen relies on explicit drawing commands such as drawLine or drawCircle. Another difference with the pen is that it can draw solid shapes. The pen has an attribute called ``fill``. When this attribute is set to True, it will fill the insides of any polygon traced by its drawLine method. However, the fill will not be completed until fill is set to False, or the move method is invoked.""" _screen = None _turtle = None # Mutable properties @property def speed(self): """The animation speed of this pen. The speed is an integer from 0 to 10. Speed = 0 means that no animation takes place. The drawLine and drawCircle methods happen instantly with no animation. Speeds from 1 to 10 enforce increasingly faster animation of line drawing. 1 is the slowest speed while 10 is the fastest (non-instantaneous) speed. **Invariant**: Value must be an integer value in the range 0..10.""" return self._turtle.speed() @speed.setter def speed(self,value): assert (type(value) == int), "value %s is not an int" % `value` assert (value >= 0 or value <= 10), "value %s is outside the range 0..10" % `value` self._turtle.speed(value) @property def fill(self): """The fill status of this pen. If the fill status is True, then the pen will fill the insides of any polygon or circle subsequently traced by its drawLine or drawCircle method. Ifthe attribute changes, it only affects future draw commands, not past ones. Switching this attribute between True and False allows the pen to draw both solid and hollow shapes. **Invariant**: Value must be an bool.""" return self._turtle.fill() @fill.setter def fill(self,value): assert (type(value) == bool), "value %s is not a bool" % `value` self._turtle.fill(value) # Make the pen state relative to fill. if value and not self._turtle.isdown(): self._turtle.pendown() elif not value and self._turtle.isdown(): self._turtle.penup() # silent property requested by beta tester @property def color(self): assert False, 'Pen does not have a color; use pencolor or fillcolor' @color.setter def color(self,value): assert False, 'Pen does not have a color; use pencolor or fillcolor' @property def pencolor(self): """The pen color of this pen. The pen color is used for drawing lines and circles. All subsequent draw commands draw using this color. If the color changes, it only affects future draw commands, not past ones. This color is only used for lines and the border of circles. It is not the color used for filling in solid areas (if the ``fill`` attribute is True). See the attribute ``fillcolor`` for solid shapes. **Invariant**: Value must be either a string with a color name, a 3 element tuple of floats between 0 and 1 (inclusive), or an object in an additive color model (e.g. RGB or HSV).""" return self._pencolor @pencolor.setter def pencolor(self,value): assert (_is_turtle_color(value)), "value %s is not a valid color input" % `value` self._turtle.color(_to_turtle_color(value),self._fillcolor) self._pencolor = self._turtle.color()[0] @property def fillcolor(self): """The fill color of this turtle. The fill color is used for filling in solid shapes. If the ``fill`` attribute is True, all subsequent draw commands fill their insides using this color. If the color changes, it only affects future draw commands, not past ones. This color is only used for filling in the insides of solid shapes. It is not the color used for the shape border. See the attribute ``pencolor`` for the border color. **Invariant**: Value must be either a string with a color name, a 3 element tuple of floats between 0 and 1 (inclusive), or an object in an additive color model (e.g. RGB or HSV).""" return self._fillcolor @fillcolor.setter def fillcolor(self,value): assert (_is_turtle_color(value)), "value %s is not a valid color input" % `value` self._turtle.color(self._pencolor,_to_turtle_color(value)) self._pencolor = self._turtle.color()[0] self._fillcolor = self._turtle.color()[1] @property def visible(self): """Indicates whether the pen's icon is visible. Drawing commands will still work while the pen icon is hidden. There will just be no indication of the pen's current location on the screen. **Invariant**: Value must be a bool""" return self._turtle.isvisible() @visible.setter def visible(self,value): assert (type(value) == bool), "value %s is not a bool" % `value` if value and not self._turtle.isvisible(): self._turtle.showturtle() elif not value and self._turtle.isvisible(): self._turtle.hideturtle() # Immutable properties @property def x(self): """The x-coordinate of this pen. To change the x coordinate, use one of the drawing methods. *This attribute may not be (directly) altered*""" return self._turtle.xcor() @property def y(self): """The y-coordinate of this pen. To change the y coordinate, use one of the drawing methods. *This attribute may not be (directly) altered*""" return self._turtle.ycor() # Built-in Methods def __init__(self,screen,position=(0, 0), color='red', speed=0): """**Constructor**: Create a new pen to draw on the given screen. :param screen: window object that pen will draw on. **Precondition**: object of type Window. :param position: initial pen position (origin is screen center) **Precondition**: 2D tuple of floats or ints. :param color: initial pen and fill color (default red) **Precondition**: either a string with a color name, a 3 element tuple of floats between 0 and 1 (inclusive), or an object in an additive color model (e.g. RGB or HSV). :param speed: initial turtle speed (default 0) **Precondition**: a int between 0 and 10, inclusive The argument ``screen`` is not optional.""" assert type(screen) == Window self._turtle = turtle.RawTurtle(screen._frame) self._turtle.hideturtle() self._screen = screen screen._addPen(self) try: self._turtle.shape('pencil.gif') except: self._turtle.shape('classic') self._turtle.penup() self._turtle.setposition(position) self._turtle.color(color) self._turtle.speed(speed) self._turtle.showturtle() # Record current color #"pair" seems unused #pair = self._turtle.color() self._pencolor = self._turtle.color()[0] self._fillcolor = self._turtle.color()[0] def __repr__(self): """Returns: Unambiguous string representation of this pen. """ return str(self.__class__)+str(self) def __str__(self): """Returns: Readable string representation of this pen. """ return 'Pen(position={}, pencolor={}, fillcolor={})'.format(self._turtle.position(), self.pencolor, self.fillcolor) def __del__(self): """Deletes this pen object. """ self._screen._removePen(self) del self._turtle # Methods def clear(self): """Delete the pen's drawings from the window, but do not move the pen or alter its attributes.""" self._turtle.clear() def reset(self): """Delete the pen's drawings from the window, re-center the pen and reset all attributes to their default values.""" self._turtle.clear() self._turtle.setposition((0,0)) try: self._turtle.shape('pencil.gif') except: self._turtle.shape('classic') self._turtle.color('red') self.speed = 0 #pair = self._turtle.color() self._pencolor = self._turtle.color()[0] self._fillcolor = self._turtle.color()[0] def move(self,x,y): """Moves the pen to given position without drawing. :param x: new x position for pen **Precondition**: a float or int :param y: new y position for pen **Precondition**: a float or int If the ``fill`` attribute is currently True, this method will complete the fill before moving to the new region. The space between the original position and (x,y) will not be connected.""" assert (_is_number(x)), "parameter x:%s is not a valid number" % `x` assert (_is_number(y)), "parameter y:%s is not a valid number" % `y` fstate = self._turtle.fill() if fstate: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.fill(False) self._turtle.penup() self._turtle.setposition(x,y) if fstate: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.pendown() self._turtle.fill(True) # Drawing Methods def drawLine(self, dx, dy): """Draw a line segment (dx,dy) from the current pen position :param dx: change in the x position **Precondition**: a float or int :param dy: change in the y position **Precondition**: a float or int The line segment will run from (x,y) to (x+dx,y+dy), where (x,y) is the current pen position. When done, the pen will be at position (x+dx,y+dy)""" assert (_is_number(dx)), "parameter x:%s is not a valid number" % `dx` assert (_is_number(dy)), "parameter y:%s is not a valid number" % `dy` if not self.fill: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.pendown() x = self._turtle.xcor() y = self._turtle.ycor() self._turtle.setposition(x+dx, y+dy) if not self.fill: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.penup() def drawTo(self, x, y): """Draw a line from the current pen position to (x,y) :param x: finishing x position for line **Precondition**: a float or int :param y: finishing y position for line **Precondition**: a float or int When done, the pen will be at (x, y).""" assert (_is_number(x)), "parameter x:%s is not a valid number" % `x` assert (_is_number(y)), "parameter y:%s is not a valid number" % `y` if not self.fill: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.pendown() self._turtle.setposition(x, y) if not self.fill: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.penup() def drawCircle(self, r): """Draw a circle of radius r centered on the pen. :param r: radius of the circle **Precondition**: a float or int The center of the circle is the current pen coordinates. When done, the position of the pen will remain unchanged""" assert (_is_number(r)), "parameter r:%s is not a valid number" % `r` x = self._turtle.xcor() y = self._turtle.ycor() self._turtle.setposition(x, y-r) if not self.fill: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.pendown() self._turtle.circle(r) if not self.fill: # invariant; pen only down if filling self._turtle.penup() self._turtle.setposition(x, y)