Color Constants

Classes for three different color models.

The classes are RGB, CMYK, HSV. The constants in this module are all defined in the RGB color space.

WHITE = (red=255,green=255,blue=255)

The color white in the default sRGB space.

LIGHT_GRAY = (red=192,green=192,blue=192)

The color light gray in the default sRGB space.

GRAY = (red=128,green=128,blue=128)

The color gray in the default sRGB space.

DARK_GRAY = (red=64,green=64,blue=64)

The color dark gray in the default sRGB space.

BLACK = (red=0,green=0,blue=0)

The color black in the default sRGB space.

RED = (red=255,green=0,blue=0)

The color red, in the default sRGB space.

PINK = (red=255,green=175,blue=175)

The color pink in the default sRGB space.

YELLOW = (red=255,green=255,blue=0)

The color yellow in the default sRGB space.

ORANGE = (red=255,green=200,blue=0)

The color orange in the default sRGB space.

GREEN = (red=0,green=255,blue=0)

The color green in the default sRGB space.

BLUE = (red=0,green=0,blue=255)

The color blue in the default sRGB space.

MAGENTA = (red=255,green=0,blue=255)

The color magenta in the default sRGB space.

CYAN = (red=0,green=255,blue=255)

The color cyan in the default sRGB space.

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