Class ImagePanel

class image_panel.ImagePanel(widget, image)

Instance maintains a kivy Image widget on which to display an image

Constructor: Create an ImagePanel in the given widget.

param widget:The widget to display the image in

Precondition: a Kivy Widget

param image:image to display.

Precondition: an ImageArray object

Changes to the image will only be shown in the ImagePanel when you invoke the display method.

Immutable Attributes

These attributes may be read (e.g. used in an expression), but not altered.


Kivy Widget where image will be displayed.

This attribute is set by the constructor and may not be modified


Reference to ImageArray to display

This attribute is set by the constructor and may not be modified



Display an image array.

param image:An image to display.

Precondition: an ImageArray object or None

If no image_array is specified, it will use the one stored in its image attribute.

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